Do Rabbits Play Dead

Do Rabbits Play Dead

If you find one of your rabbits laying motionless, not making a sound, and seemingly feigning death (but their eyes are open), then please read on to learn more about your rabbit’s natural behavior.  

Do Rabbits Play Dead

Yes, rabbits will play dead, the proverbial “playing possum”, when they are terrified. 

Remember that rabbits are prey animals, so when they are scared for frightened, a rabbit’s natural instincts provide them with 3 options:

  • Run – The proverbial flight or fight reaction. Rabbits are prey animals so their tendency is to “flight”, or run away.
  • Freeze – Freezing and becoming as motionless as possible; trying to blend into the landscape and not be noticed. 
  • Play Dead – They have a natural instinct to drop to the ground, freeze and play dead if they are in an overwhelming situation.

When Does Rabbit Play Dead

A rabbit may opt to play dead in any situation in which it is terrified, unhappy, or frustrated.  Some examples include:

  • A Situation That Has Confused or Confounded The Rabbit (leading to stress)
  • Surprised or Scared By An Approaching Animal or Human
  • Rough Handling  
  • Wanting Attention From Its Owner

Rabbits playing dead is not a learned response, it is a biological evolutionary reaction.  The response is hard wired in the rabbit’s nervous system. 

Wolf hunt rabbit

Will A Rabbit Play Dead With A Predator 

No, a rabbit typically will not play dead when threatened by a predator.

If threatened by the presence of a predator then a rabbit will most likely run or freeze; it is not likely to play dead. 

A rabbit is not likely to play dead in the presence of a predator because instinctively it knows that many of its predators are scavengers (fox, coyote, etc) and will gladly eat it. 

A rabbit in the open, not near shelter is likely to sprint in a zig-zag manner to shelter (a thicket, or a burrow).  

A rabbit in a protective location (perhaps a thicket) is likely to freeze and use it’s natural camouflage, seasonal coloring to blend in with its environment and evade detection.

Rabbit Health Checks

What Should I Do When My Rabbit Plays Dead

If you are holding your rabbit and it suddenly your bunny plays dead, then it probably means that your rabbit does not want to be held. 

The best thing to do is slowly move to your rabbits hutch and lay the rabbit in its hutch.  If you are in a rabbit yard, then you may slowly and gently place the rabbit on the ground.  

Within seconds, the rabbit will likely pop up and run away – so again, be sure that you put the rabbit down in an appropriate location. 

If your rabbit is already in its hutch or in a safe location on the ground when it plays dead, then you should try to figure out what is bothering the rabbit.

That’s right, you should pause and observe the situation.  Ask yourself why the rabbit is expressing its terror, stress or lack of happiness by playing dead.  

If possible and practical, then remedy the situation or circumstances that you think are causing your rabbit’s “play dead” reaction. 

If nothing else, then talk nicely and gently to your rabbit and eventually it will shift gears and stop playing dead. 

Can A Rabbit Have A Heart Attack When It Is Scared

Yes, a rabbit can have a heart attack when it is scared.  Again, rabbits are prey animals.  They are almost always on high alert.  A significant scare or an extended scare can result in a heart attack.

Cute Baby Rabbit

Rabbit Trancing

Now it is worth discussing something called Rabbit Trancing or Trancing a Rabbit.  In most cases if you pick up your rabbit and lay it on its back (say in your lap), then it will seem to become motionless, paralyzed, or in a trance. 

Actually, the rabbit is not in a trance.  The reality is this position is very stressful for the rabbit.  The already vulnerable prey animal actually feels even more vulnerable and stressed when it is laid on its back.  This is very scary for the typical rabbit and in rare cases may lead to a heart attack. 

Do Wild Rabbits Play Dead?

Yes, it is very natural for wild rabbits to play dead. 

Do Rabbits Play Dead With Eyes Open?

Yes, a rabbit’s eye are open while they are playing dead!  

Do Baby Rabbits Play Dead?

Yes, a baby rabbits (outside of their nest) are known to play dead for the same reasons that grown up rabbits play dead. 

Here is a video of a bunny playing dead:

Final Thoughts on Do Rabbits Play Dead

Here are the bullet points:

  • When scared, surprised or stressed, rabbits may play dead.
  • A rabbit playing dead is not a learned response, it is a biological evolutionary reaction
  • When your rabbit is playing dead you should pause, observe the situation and see what you can do to remedy the rabbit’s fear and confusion.
  • A rabbit may have a heart attack while playing dead.
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