We always wonder about the range of plants that our goats can safely ingest, searching for ways to switch up our goats’ forage heavy diets.
And when considering sunflowers as food for goats, we are happy to report that these bright blossoms are a-okay to ingest!
So, Can Goats Eat Sunflowers
Yes, goats can indeed eat sunflowers. Sunflowers, including their seeds, can be a nutritious and tasty addition to your goat’s diet.
Our goats love eating the fiberos stalk, big flower head, fresh seeds, and green leaves of our field sunflowers. We’ve even made it a normal practice to allow them to forage around the sunflowers in late summer.
However, there are a few essential considerations to keep in mind before introducing this delightful treat to your goat’s menu.
Can I Feed My Goats Sunflower Seeds
Absolutely! Goats can safely consume sunflower seeds, and many goats thoroughly enjoy the taste and texture.
In fact, sunflower seeds are a great source of healthy fats(48.8g), protein (18.9g) , fiber (7.2g), and essential vitamins and minerals, making them a nutritious treat for your goats.
Per 100g serving, sunflower seeds contain some impressive mineral content, including:
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Selenium
- Zinc
- Copper
- Manganese
Also take note of the very high fat content of these seeds! Because they contain such dense fats, they must be offered to your goats in moderation to avoid digestive blockages and bloating.
Fast Fact: While sunflower seeds are safe for most livestock, not all hobby farm or homesteading animals can safely ingest them. For example, rabbits should not eat sunflower seeds!
All About Black Oil Sunflower Seeds
Many goat owners swear by black oil sunflower seeds, stating they are the best option for livestock thanks to their thinner shells.
We couldn’t agree more, especially as black oil sunflower seeds have helped our goats maintain shiny, lovey hair over the years! With lots of Omega-6 acids to offer, it’s no surprise why.
Fortunately, black oil sunflower seeds are the type commonly found in bird feeders and are readily available in many stores.
These black seeds lack the characteristic white, sunflower seed stripes on their coat and are noticeably thinner and more palatable.
That said, your goats can definitely handle the more fibrous hulls of regular sunflower seeds, so it is truly up to you which variety you offer them.
How Much Black Oil Sunflower Seeds For Goats
While goats will gladly munch on sunflower seeds endlessly, moderation is the key.
For adult goats, it’s generally safe to offer a small handful of black oil sunflower seeds as an occasional treat. We always give our pregnant and nursing nannies two handfuls as an extra boost!
Remember that treats should only make up a small percentage of your goats’ overall diet, not much more than 10%.
Providing a varied diet of hay, forage, and goat-specific feed remains crucial for their health!
Black Oil Sunflower Seeds For Wethers
Wethers, or castrated male goats, can also enjoy black oil sunflower seeds, and we offer them to our wethers alongside our nanny goats.
As with all goats, wethers should receive sunflower seeds in moderation. These nutrient-rich seeds can provide a delightful snack for wethers and can add a bit of excitement to their day!
Frequently Asked Questions Related To Can Goats Have Sunflowers
Can Goats Have Salted Sunflower Seeds?
We have never offered our goats salted sunflower seeds, and hesitate to suggest that you should do so.
This is because many salted sunflower seeds are also roasted, and raw, uncooked sunflower seeds are what is best for goats.
If you think your goats are deficient in salt, we suggest offering them a goat salt block and/or mineral block in their forage area!
Can Goats Eat Pumpkin Seeds?
Yes, raw unsalted pumpkin seeds can be ingested by your goats without worry.
In fact, we never take the seeds out of the pumpkins we offer our goats and they always enjoy the fresh seeds!
Watch these happy goats chow down on some sunflowers in this quick video!
Final Thoughts On Can Goats Eat Sunflowers
All forms of the sunflower can be enjoyed by your goats without reason for alarm.
Just remember to offer the fat and protein rich seeds in moderation, as too many can result in bloating and other digestive issues!
Finally, we do not recommend offering sunflower seeds to immature or nursing goats. Instead, wait until they are on a full hay and forage diet before introducing this densely nutritious food to them.