Rabbits do not have the self control that many of us can demonstrate when it comes to eating foods that are tasty, but may not be the best for our system (this is me over here, eyeing that leftover donut!)
For this very reason, rabbits do and will eat bird feed and bird seed. Neither bird feed or seed are all that healthy for rabbits in large doses, but they won’t harm your bunnies in small amounts.
So before you set up a bird feeder or spread bird seed around, read on to learn just how much bird seed and bird feed rabbits can tolerate.
Can Rabbits Have Bird Seed
Technically, nibbling on a bit of bird seed won’t harm your rabbit.
This is because bird seed contains plant-based, herbivorous foodstuff that wild and domestic rabbits can and do come upon while roaming outdoors.
What Is Bird Seed
Bird seed is any mix of dried nuts, seeds, grains and fruits and usually contains:
- Seeds from various flowers
- Grain products
- Dried Fruits
- Corn
Be mindful that bird seed can contains unsafe ingredients for rabbits if ingested in high quantities, specifically corn (read Can Rabbits Eat Corn), grains and nuts.
So while your rabbits may love it, you will have to step in to ensure they do not consume more than a few mouthfuls of any bird seed you’ve spread out.
Can Bunnies Eat Bird Feed
Bird feed, on the other hand, isn’t always rabbit-safe. Many companies make bird feeds by including small bits of animal proteins, such as insects and worms, in the mix.
These are nutrients that a bird thrives off of, but that rabbits cannot ingest or properly digest.
For these reasons, be very wary about your rabbits getting into bird feed, as it is quicker to cause stomach upsets, bloating, or diarrhea because of its indigestible components.
Just What Is In Bird Feed?
Bird feed is intended for birds, which are natural omnivores, and eat a mix of plant foods and small animals such as insects, worms, and other bugs.
So bird food usually contains a mix of seeds with dried fruits, grains, and usually some dried larvae or insects.
Common ingredients in bird food includes:
- Dried cranberries
- Sunflower seed
- Dried beetles
- Raisins
- Safflower seeds
- Oats
- Dried larvae
- Dried mealworms
Why Is It Okay For Bunnies To Eat Bird Food
If your rabbit has nibbled at bird food that they’ve come across, there is no need to be too worried.
The small amount of animal proteins from the bugs and/or the dense nuts and seeds aren’t usually enough to put rabbits at serious risk. It is only if a rabbit consumes large amounts of bird food that you should be concerned.
For example, we never allow our rabbits to eat more than a few bites of a bird food mix if we can help it and we also strive to stick to bird seed on our farm rather than bird food, as the food mix is the one that usually contains the dried insects.
Do Rabbits Eat Seeds And Nuts
Wild rabbits forage for all the high fiber herbivores foods they need, and without doubt wild bunnies occasionally ingest some small insects or even worms along with wild seeds and nuts.
This post may interest you: Can Rabbits Eat Earthworms and Mealworms
Domesticated rabbits however, are a step removed from this foraged diet, and we are mindful of this by never offering our bunnies foods we know contain insects or pests and by treating nuts and seeds as dietary supplements rather than main course components.
Can Wild Bunnies Eat Bird Seed
Wild rabbits have acute instincts that help guide them when foraging for their food, and they are not at high risk of overindulging themselves if they come across bird seed.
Domesticated farm or pet rabbits however, may have dulled instincts and should be monitored if within reach of bird seed to ensure they don’t eat more than a few mouthfuls!
Do Rabbits Eat Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds are chock full of fiber, fat, and protein and can be an every-once-in-a-while dietary supplement for your bunnies.
For example, we mix in sunflower seeds with the rabbit pellets we offer our pregnant does in order to support their health as they gestate.
Don’t forget: remove the black hull before offering sunflower seeds to your rabbits!
Frequently Asked Questions Related To Can Bunnies Eat Bird Seed
What Do Rabbits Love To Eat The Most?
Rabbits love eating high quality hay, which is dense in fiber and wears their teeth down.
In addition, some of our rabbits favorite greens include parsley and dill, two yummy herbs that offer lots of nutritional value.
But each rabbit is individual, and you may find some of your bunnies prefer specific foods over others. Fortunately, we have many posts about many foods and treats that rabbits love to eat, be sure to check them out!
What Do Rabbits Eat?
This is a great question that can be best answered by understanding the digestive and bodily systems and subsequent dietary needs of the rabbit.
We take a look at all of this in our post What Can Rabbits Eat, check it out for a better idea of just what your bunny requires in its diet!
Final Thoughts on Do Rabbits Eat Birds Seed and Bird Feed
While we would never consider offering our bunnies bird seed or bird feed as part of their regular diet, we remain pretty relaxed when it comes to our bunnies coming across birdseed or bird feed when they are outside exploring and playing.
Overall, bird seed and bird feed are low risk when it comes to rabbits, although it is important to remember that both can contain indigestible ingredients; you may have to step in if your rambunctious rabbit is getting carried away!