When it comes to feeding goats, it’s natural to wonder if certain foods like beets are suitable for their consumption. Especially if you’ve heard about offering your goats beet pulp as a dietary supplement.
In this post, we’ll explore the question, “Can goats eat beets?” and provide you with essential information on beetroot, beetroot leaves, and all things beet pulp for goats!
Can Goats Eat Beets?
Yes, goats can indeed eat beets!
Beets are generally safe and can be a healthy addition to your goats’ diet. Beets are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which can benefit your trip’s overall health.
However, it’s crucial to feed beets (in all forms) in moderation as part of a balanced diet and not as a primary food source!
Are Beetroot Leaves Okay For Goats
Some goat raisers hesitate to offer their goat’s beet greens because of their natural oxalic acid content, which can cause kidney and urinary issues in livestock and other farm animals.
However, goats are actually pretty tolerant of oxalic acid, and can break it down faster than many other animals because of specific bacterias in their rumen.
This means that beetroot leaves, also known as beet greens, are safe and nutritious for goats to consume!
These leaves are also packed with vitamins A and K (although goats don’t usually require dietary supplements of vitamin K), iron, calcium, and antioxidants.
You can offer them as a tasty treat or mix them into their regular feed. Just ensure that the beet greens are fresh, clean, and free from any pesticides or chemicals.
Beet Pulp For Goats: What You Need To Know
Beet pulp is a byproduct derived from sugar beets after the extraction of sugar.
It is an excellent source of digestible fiber (which goats need a lot of!) and is commonly used as a supplemental feed. We usually incorporate this feed into our goats winter diets, when forage is low and green options aren’t as abundant.
Beet pulp is highly valued for its nutritional benefits and versatility in various animals’ diets. Here’s why beet pulp is offered to livestock:
- High Fiber Content: Beet pulp contains a considerable amount of dietary fiber, both soluble and insoluble. This fiber aids in promoting healthy digestion in goats, preventing issues such as constipation and colic.
- Energy-Rich Feed: While beet pulp is low in protein, it is relatively high in energy. This makes it an ideal feed option for goats that require additional calories, especially during cold weather or periods of high physical activity, such as breeding or lactation.
- Safe Source of Carbohydrates: The carbohydrates in beet pulp are in a form that can be efficiently utilized by ruminant animals like goats. The easily fermentable carbohydrates in beet pulp serve as an energy source and support the microbial population in the rumen, contributing to overall gut health.
- Non-Heating Feed: Unlike some high-energy feeds that may cause “hot” behavior in animals, beet pulp is considered a “non-heating” feed. This means it provides energy without causing excessive excitability or nervousness in goats.
- Hydration Support: When soaked before feeding, beet pulp absorbs a significant amount of water, becoming a water-rich feed option. This feature can help keep goats hydrated, especially during hot weather or when access to clean water is limited.
Remember: as the MSD Veterinary Manual states, goats are very efficient at using and conserving water throughout their body, but as little as a 10% overall water loss can be severely damaging.
Nutritional Value Of Beet Pulp For Goats
As hinted at above, beet pulp is a fiber and energy dense food, and also boasts a number of vitamins and minerals.
And compared to traditional grain feeds, beet pulp has a lower starch content! This makes it a safer option for goats prone to digestive disorders and relieves you of the stress of feeding your goats grains.
However, beet pulp alone cannot cover all the nutritional needs of your goats and must not be offered to them as a primary food.
Instead, provide your goats with unlimited amounts of hay, a forage area, and yummy treats and supplements such as beet pulp, fresh garden vegetables, and some choice fruits.
How Much Beet Pulp For Goats
The recommended amount of beet pulp varies depending on the goat’s size, age, and overall health, as to be expected!
But as a general guideline, start by offering small amounts (around 1/4 to 1/2 pound) and gradually increase it to a maximum of 1 to 2 pounds per day for your adult goats.
Note: We only feed our goats that much beet pulp during winter months! In the summer we offer them this supplement much less often, as they have an abundance of foragable greens to boost their diet.
Always monitor your goats’ weight and behavior and adjust the amount of beet pulp you are offering them accordingly. Finally, we recommend chatting with your local vet before switching up their diet in any way for best advice and tips.
Beet Pulp For Wethers
Wondering if beet pulp is appropriate for wethers, or castrated male goats, is a good move because wethers naturally require less energy than intact males.
They are also more prone to weight gain and obesity, which means that offering them energy dense food such as beet pulp is not a great idea.
However, your wether goats can totally benefit from measured amounts of beet pulp. We like to give ours a bi-weekly serving of beep pulp throughout the winter months and have yet to induce obesity or high-energy behavior from them.
Do You Have To Soak Beet Pulp For Goats
Yes, soaking beet pulp before feeding it to goats is highly recommended.
This is because beet pulp is typically sold in a dehydrated form, and soaking it helps soften the fibers and prevents any choking hazards.
We soak our beet pulp in water for at least 12 hours, and up to 24 hours, before offering it to our goats. I usually get a bucket set up in the late evening and offer the pulp to our goats in the morning hours. This long soak allows it to fully expand and become soft.
We also always drain excess water before offering it to our goats, soaking beet pulp truly ensures better digestion and minimizes the risk of digestive issues!
How To Make Beet Pulp For Goats: Step By Step
If you are offering your goats beet pulp for the first time and want to know how to do it, follow these simple steps:
- Start with a clean container that can hold the desired amount of beet pulp.
- Measure the appropriate quantity of beet pulp based on your goats’ needs.
- Add water to the container, covering the beet pulp completely.
- Allow the beet pulp to soak for 12 to 24 hours, or until it becomes soft and expands.
- Drain any excess water before feeding it to your goats.
- Offer the soaked beet pulp as a part of their regular feed or as a separate treat.
Remember to store any leftover beet pulp in a cool and dry place to maintain its freshness. We do not keep hydrated beet pulp for more than two days in the fridge, it goes to compost if our goats don’t eat it all (which they always do!).
Frequently Asked Questions Related To Can Goat Have Beets
What Farm Animal Can Eat Beets?
Cows, horses, pigs, chickens, goats and even rabbits are some common farm animals that can safely ingest beets!
What Vegetables Can Goats Eat?
There are many veggies that are safe and healthy for goats to eat. Some of our goats’ favorites include Radishes and Zucchini.
Check out our post archive for more information on different veggies for goats!
Here is a helpful video with tips for prepping beet pulp for your goat!
Final Thoughts On Can Goats Eat Beets
Goats can and will eat beets, including the beetroot leaves and the byproduct beet pulp.
Beets provide nutritional value and can be a healthy addition to your goats’ diet.
Remember to feed beets and beet pulp to your goats in moderation, although they offer great energy and fiber, they cannot take mainstage in their daily diet.
Finally, alway soak beet pulp before offering it to your goats and keep an eye on their reactions to any new foods or supplements you introduce: your goats will let you know if they aren’t happy!