Bunny Nests In Yard

Bunny Nests In Yard: What Does A Baby Rabbit Nest Look Like

A rabbit nest can be hard to find.  If you have young wild rabbits running around your yard or homestead, then you have at least one bunny nest nearby and may be asking, “What Does A Baby Rabbit Nest Look Like?”

Rabbit nests for baby bunnies come in a wide variety of forms.  The nest itself naturally blends in with its surroundings. This camouflage effect is so that predators don’t find the bunnies. Most often the bunny nests are in the grass or are hidden along the edge of a garden or a row of bushes.  

We have some great pictures and videos of baby rabbit nests below!

Bunny Nests in Yard

Baby rabbit nests are sometimes very hard to see. Bunny nests in the yard, particularly bunny nests in grass, are some of the hardest nests to detect. 

Fortunately no one wants to deliberately run over the bunny nest in the lawn while mowing the lawn.  We understand that figuring out where the bunny nests are in your yard, so that you can be sure to Not run over them with the lawn mower may be why you came to this post. 

Don’t despair, we have the best information for you about this topic of bunny nests in the yard.

How Does Rabbit Make A Nest

A day or two before she gives birth, or kindles, the mother rabbit will begin to build a nest for her babies, or kits.  For wild rabbits, this sometimes means that the mother rabbit finds a small hole in the ground, perhaps along the edge of a garden or some protective bushes.  Or, if she finds a nice location where she thinks her babies will be safe from predators, then she may dig a small, shallow hole in the ground. 

Wild Bunnies in Grass nest

After establishing the small hole, she will often line it with grass, leaves and likely some of her own fur that she pulls from her chest and belly.  

This natural mix of grass, leaves and some fur is a natural camouflage and helps hide her babies from predators such as foxes, feral cats, and raccoons. 

We understand that sometimes these baby bunny nests are actually not in a safe spot.  Sometimes they are in the middle of the yard, where you are mowing the grass.  Other times they are along a garden bed and seemingly not very well hidden and not providing much protection from prowling predators.

What To Do If You Find A Bunny Nest In The Grass

If you find a nest of baby rabbits, then you should resist the temptation to move the nest and or the babies to a more appropriate location.  If you move the babies, then the mother may not find them and they will likely die. 

The best thing to do is to stay clear of the nest.  Mow around the nest, giving it a wide berth. We recommend no closer than about 10 ft from the nest.  

Ask family members to not disturb the nest and do your best to keep pets and homestead animals clear of the nest.  The babies will grow fast and in a matter of weeks they will be out of the nest and you can go back to mowing that spot. 


Can I Move A Nest Of Baby Rabbits

No, please do not try to move a nest of baby rabbits.  You can look in on the babies and if they are injured, or cold and dehydrated, then you may opt to call your veterinarian for advice.  If the baby bunnies in the nest seem warm and healthy, then do not try to move the nest.  Mother rabbit is in the vicinity and knows very well how to care for her bunnies. 

Did Mother Rabbit Abandon Her Babies

Many people see a nest of baby rabbits without a mother nearby and assume that the babies have been abandoned.  This is typically Not the case.  The mother rabbit leaves her babies hidden in their nest for most of the day.  She does this because she does not want to attract predators to the nest.  She will return to the nest once or twice a day, often in twilight because rabbits are crepuscular, to feed her babies.  This is natural for rabbits. 

The mother rabbit’s milk is very rich and the babies grow fast even though they are only fed once or twice a day.  So, chances are the baby rabbits are fine and not abandoned. 

New Fur Baby Bunnies in Fur lined nest

Do Wild Rabbits Reuse Their Nests

Yes, some wild rabbits will reuse nesting spots and others will choose to build a new nest.  If the nest is in a dry and protective spot, then the mother rabbit may choose to use the spot again and again.

How To Find A Rabbit Nest

In some cases, there are some signs to help you find a rabbit’s nest.  For instance, if you see a small mound of dried grass, or a small area of what might look like dead grass, surrounded by healthy green grass, then you may have spotted a rabbit’s nest.  There may be a bit of a hole dug out under that brown grassy area and there may be several young bunnies hiding in the nest. 

How To Spot A Rabbit’s Nest

Do Baby Bunnies Leave The Nest And Come Back

Yes, baby bunnies are born with their eyes closed and without hair or fur. However, they grow and develop very quickly and within two weeks of birth, they will begin to venture out of the nest to explore their surroundings. 
Then, for about a week or more they will leave the nest several times a day to explore and begin to eat grass and hay while still nursing on mother’s milk.  While they are still nursing, they return to the nest as their primary safety and resting place.  Eventually, they mature into young rabbits and abandon the nest.

Why Did Mother Rabbit Build Her Baby Rabbit Nest In The Middle Of My Yard

It seems counterintuitive for the mother rabbit to build her nest in the wide open part of your yard. After all, if mother rabbit wishes for a nice hiding place for her babies, then why does she make the nest “out in the open” with no cover…  Actually, the middle of the yard, in the open, is very strategic in that predators are not likely to wander through the middle of your yard. 

Mother rabbit actually is very smart in building her baby rabbit nest in the middle of your yard, because predators don’t go there… I know, the mower goes there…

Ontario Wildlife Removal Video

Final Thoughts on What Does A Baby Rabbit Nest Look Like

Here are the main take-aways for What Does A Baby Rabbit Nest Look Like:

  • Often a bunny nest in the yard will look like a small patch of dead grass.
  • Mother rabbit does not stay at the nest.  She returns to the nest once or twice a day to nurse her babies.
  • Bunny nests in the grass – Sometimes the nests are in the middle of your yard.  This seems strange, but the mother rabbit is smart. She knows that predators don’t pass through the middle of your yard. 
  • Do not try to move the bunny nest, instead protect it from children and pets.  After all, the bunnies grow quickly and will abandon the nest within several weeks.

Click here for answers to How Many Babies Do Rabbits Have

Click here for answers to How Long Do Bunnies Usually Live?

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