Can Rabbits Eat Chicken Feed

Yes or No: Can Rabbits Eat Chicken Feed?

Rabbits are natural herbivores and are curious eaters.

Your homestead or pet rabbit is sure to try out any edible substance they come across, which, due to the rabbit’s sensitive digestive system, can be dangerous for your bunny! 

So when it comes to questionable food, it is always best to check. 

Can Rabbits Eat Chicken Food?

Technically, rabbits can eat a small amount of chicken food without adverse effects. However, chicken feed is NOT intended for rabbits and will cause serious health issues if consumed often. 

As homesteaders, we know a thing or two about raising rabbits with other animals. 

Our years of experience taught us that in order to keep all our animals healthy, happy and safe, proper food separation and storage is a must!

Can Rabbits Eat Chicken Pellets

Technically, rabbits can eat a small amount of chicken pellets without adverse effects. However, chicken pellets are NOT intended for rabbits and will cause serious health issues if consumed often. 

Natural chicken pellets are a plant based chicken food that consists of: 

  • Grains
  • Proteins
  • Nutritional supplements 

Note that some brands of chicken feed have additional conservatives, but that these three ingredients are the basic building block of a chicken feed pellet. 

Bunnies should not eat chicken pellets because ingesting too many grains can block rabbit’s digestive system and cause obesity. 

In addition, high protein foods are not healthy for bunnies. Instead, they require high fiber foods such as quality hays to sustain a healthy gut and digestive process. 

Chicken pellets are also often baked or heated to some extent, which makes them even more so inappropriate for rabbits as bunnies cannot properly digest cooked foods

Can Rabbits Eat Chicken Scratch

Technically, rabbits can eat a small amount of chicken scratch without adverse effects. However, chicken scratch is NOT intended for rabbits and will cause serious health issues if consumed often. 

There is an important difference between chicken pellets and chicken scratch

In short, pellets are meant as a hearty and nutritional part of your chickens’ diet while chicken scratch is more of a once in a while treat or dietary supplement. 

Like all good treats, chicken scratch is composed of delicious but fattening ingredients such as corn and other grains.

Chickens can eat and digest scratch, but starchy corn and heavy grains can quickly lead to serious health issues, such as GI Stasis in rabbits if consumed. 

We highly recommend to keep chicken scratch away from your bunnies!

Is Chicken Feed Bad For Rabbits

Unlike rabbits, chickens are omnivores. This means they eat both plant materials and foods such as insects, worms, grub and more. 

In addition, a chicken has a very different digestive system and dietary requirements than a rabbit (rabbits are notorious for their delicate digestive system!) 

Naturally, any chicken food is intended to serve the chicken’s health by providing a balanced amount of nutrients that are particular to the animal. 

A perfect example of how chicken feed can harm your rabbit is the amount of calcium in chicken feed.

Rabbits do not need much calcium and will suffer health issues if too much is consumed. 

On the other hand, chickens require a lot of calcium as they use this mineral daily while making their eggs. In fact, it is common practice to offer crushed egg or oyster shells to chickens to boost their calcium levels! 

So, because the systems and needs of rabbits and chickens are different, offering your rabbits chicken feed can be detrimental to their health

The same principle holds for the feeds of other pets or farm animals such as hamsters and dogs; rabbits cannot eat hamster food and dog food is harmful to rabbits

Can Rabbits And Chickens Eat The Same Food?

Yes, rabbits and chickens eat some of the same foods.

For example, both rabbits and chickens enjoy: 

  • Grasses
  • Fruits
  • Flowers
  • Herbs
  • Leaves
  • Hay

As such, it is okay for rabbits and chickens to mingle in the same backyard space for exercise and outdoor time. 

However, chickens follow a strict flock hierarchy and may peck or chase your rabbit to claim dominance. 

We highly recommend monitoring your rabbits and chickens if sharing the same space, ensuring that your chickens do not harm or pester your rabbit.

Frequently Asked Questions Concerning
Rabbits Eating Chicken Feed

Can Baby Rabbits Eat Chicken Food?

No, never feed your baby rabbits chicken feed and always be sure to secure your chicken feed from immature rabbits. 

Baby rabbits have extremely sensitive digestive systems and ingesting just a bit of chicken feed can cause serious issues and even death! 

What Can I Feed My Rabbit If I Run Out Of Food?

If you run out of hay and/or rabbit pellets, do NOT resort to feeding your bunnies chicken feed. 

Instead, locate and buy more hay and/or rabbit pellets immediately. In the meantime, but not for days on end, you can offer your bunnies: 

Browse our post library to find posts on rabbit safe veggies and herbs! 

Final Thoughts: Is Chicken Feed Good For Rabbits

Without a doubt, chicken feed in any of its forms is NOT a proper or healthy option for your bunnies. 

But if your mature rabbits accidently get into your chicken feed, don’t panic! A little bit won’t be fatal and your rabbit should be able to pass it. 

Remember, if you are raising multiple different animals at once, proper food storage and separation is the key to  long term health and happiness of your homestead animals and pets! 

Finally, if your rabbit ever seems uncomfortable or acts abnormally after eating something, don’t hesitate to call your local vet for suggestions and treatment. 

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