When omnivore animals are in a pinch they may end up preying on small, easy to catch meals such as mice or other small animals (this is the case when badgers eat baby rabbits).
Rabbits do not eat mice. Rabbits are not omnivorous hunters; rabbits NEVER eat mice. Instead, rabbits are 100% herbivorous mammals that eat plant materials in all seasons.
Major Myth: Rabbits Eat Mice
If your homestead or pet rabbit comes across a mouse in their hutch or while outside nibbling grass, they are most likely to ignore or run away from it rather than take a bite!
That is because rabbits are herbivorous animals whose entire metabolism depends on ingestion of high fiber plant foods.
In fact, rabbits’ digestive systems are so sensitive that any large amount of foods
- Low in fiber
- High in sugar or carbs
- High in water content
- Containing indigestible ingredients
can result in serious gut bacteria imbalances that lead to painful cramps, belly aches and (at the worst) deadly GI stasis.
Without doubt, rabbits have some of the testiest digestive systems!

No Meat For Rabbits: Rabbits Don’t Eat Mice
The ideal diet for rabbits is one that is based on high fiber plant foods such as quality hay.
We discuss hay for rabbits in our post on what cut of hay is best for rabbits.
Furthermore, we are huge proponents of the following best rabbit diet as we’ve raised many happy and healthy bunnies on it:
Unlimited hay (75% to 80%)
Quality pellets (10% to 15%)
Leafy Green Vegetables and Treats (5% to 10%)
*all percentages are out of total diet
This high fiber regime is devoid of any animal proteins and has kept our rabbits’ digestive tracts happy.
And balanced supplementing with great veggies and herbs like zucchini, lemon balm, and chamomile, can really boost the immune system and overall growth and development of your bunnies!
Foods Poisonous To Rabbits
There are a number of foods that are highly disruptive to the digestive system of bunnies and should be avoided at all costs.
One of these dangerous foods for rabbits is meat.
Rabbits cannot eat meat as it is concentrated animal protein (a substance that a rabbit’s digestive tract cannot properly digest). Strangely, scientists have found that on rare occasions the rabbits of the far north tundra may ingest some meat. More specifically, the scientific research article referenced here, shows that hares may adopt a scavenger role and eat some meat to stay alive, particularly in the harsh winter environment of northern Canada. Scientists have used trail cams to record rabbits scavenging on carrion to augment their scarce winter food supplies. This interesting scientific research on wild rabbits was picked up by National Geographic as well.
As such, mice and other small animals should never be offered as food to your pet rabbits!
Do Wild Rabbits Eat Mice
No, wild rabbits do not eat mice.
As discussed, meat is a food that is deadly to rabbits if ingested due to their inability to properly digest it.
Rather, they will use all of their senses to forage for plant materials such as grasses, roots, seeds, twigs, leaves, and even berries and other wild fruits.
Do Rabbits Attract Mice
The question of do rabbits attract mice is a different story than do rabbits eat mice.
Because yes, an unkept rabbit can attract mice!
We talk more about this in our post on rabbit predators, especially noting that rats and mice can become curious about a dirty and smelly hutch or rabbit house.
Although it is unappealing to us, such places smell great to rats and mice and they like to make their home in soiled fur or blankets.
This is why we highly recommend cleaning your rabbits living spaces at least once a week and washing any blankets or towels they use twice a week.
Forming good habits like these will eliminate the chances that mice come across your rabbit’s home and decide to stay.
Note that this can be a serious issue for older or sick bunnies!
These furry friends usually make more of a mess while using the bathroom and may dirty their living spaces faster.
So keep an eye on any healing or older bunnies of yours, making sure you give extra care in cleaning soiled fur and soiled spaces.
But Do Rabbits Keep Mice Away?
If you wonder if your pet rabbits may deter mice from infesting a certain area the answer is: most likely not.
Rabbits will keep to themselves if presented with a mouse, usually ignoring it or (in the case of the most timid of bunnies) being slightly frightened by it!
The only time a rabbit will act aggressively towards a mouse, intentionally stepping on it or chasing it away, is if the mouse happens upon the nest of a mother rabbit.
Mother rabbits can be quite aggressive towards outsiders that get too close!

How To Keep Mice Out Of Your Rabbit’s Hutch
The following are some of the measures we have taken to keep curious mice out of our rabbits’ living spaces:
- Wash all blankets and towels used by your rabbits twice weekly
- Give your rabbits house or hutch a general clean once a week
- Do not allow waste to build up in your rabbits living space
- Ensure the wiring of all hutch doors and walls are secure
- Immediately patch up any holes or tears in the walls, floors or ceiling of your rabbit’s house or hutch
- Store all rabbit food in lidded metal containers away from your rabbits living space
- Do not leave rabbit pellets or treats in your rabbits hutch or house overnight
Risks of Having Mice Near Rabbits
One of the greatest risks of having mice in proximity to your rabbits is the passing of disease.
That’s right, there are a number of pests and serious illnesses that mice can pass to your bunnies, including:
- Mites
- Ticks
- Rodent spread Hantavirus
- Bacterias
- Viruses
- Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCMV)
In general, the risks of passing these diseases between mice and rabbits means that it is truly not a great idea to allow mice to live close by or with your bunnies.
Frequently Asked Questions Related To Rabbits Eat Mice
What Animal Eat Mouse?
The mouse is a common prey of just about all carnivorous animals, especially those of small to medium size.
Omnivorous animals such as birds, reptiles, and foxes also often eat mice due to their easy hunting size.
Do Rabbits Eat Insects?
No, rabbits do not eat insects.
Remember that bunnies are 100% herbivorous and do not eat any type of non-plant protein (insects are non-plant protein!).
Final Thoughts On Do Rabbits Eat Mouse
The best way to understand the nature of your bunny is by always keeping in mind that rabbits are herbivorous small mammals that forage for their food.
This means a wild and domestic rabbit’s natural diet consists of plant materials and does Not include animal proteins or meats.
In fact, your rabbit will suffer from serious digestive blocks if anything but high fiber plant food is ingested in large quantities!
But an untidy living space or a soiled rabbit will surely attract mice, a less than ideal situation that can easily be avoided by maintaining regular cleaning and good food storage practices.
So here is to the best rabbit tending – may our bunnies always have non-meat, high fiber plant foods and clean houses!
This video goes over 5 diseases that mice can pass – very informative for all rabbit owners