Do Rabbits Eat Bugs And Insects

Do Rabbits Eat Bugs and Insects?

There are some domestic animals with varied diets; they can eat both grains and meats, wet and dry foods, and some can even stomach table leftovers.

But this is not the case with your homestead or pet rabbits. 

No, rabbits do not eat bugs and insects. Rabbits are herbivores, they are not insectivores.

Instead, rabbits are very sensitive animals that require a strict diet of high fiber plant foods

Rabbits cannot eat meat, lots of foods high in sugars, or foods low in fibers.

Ingesting these types of foods will cause serious digestive tract blockages and may even lead to rabbit GI stasis

Most importantly, rabbits are not natural predators. They do not seek out, hunt or prey on any other creature.

Insects: Do Rabbits Eat Insects?

No, your bunny will not intentionally eat insects. 

This is because the best rabbit diet consists of 100% high-fiber plant materials such as hay, grasses, certain rabbit-safe veggies and supplemental rabbit pellets. 

As such, your rabbit has a natural dendancy for this type of food, rather than for insects.

The most likely way your rabbit may ingest an insect is while eating hay, grass, or other plant material that unknowingly hides an insect among the blades or leaves.

What are Insects: Are All Bugs Insects?

Not all little critters that we may think of as insects are actually true insects. 

Insects are solely arthropods that sport:

  • A hard external skeleton (called an exoskeleton)
  • Three body parts
  • Six legs
  • May or may not have wings

Classic examples of true insects include aphids, cicadas, and stink bugs

For more on true insects check out this great Arizona State University page

What Happens If A Rabbit Eats A Bug

Remember that rabbits are not natural predators.  In fact, they hold the opposite role: rabbits are natural prey animals

As such, they have no natural instinct that encourages them to attach or munch on an insect. 

Instead, their instincts help guide them to high fiber, tasty plant materials. 

So if your pet bunny is grazing in their outside enclosure or nibbling on their hay, it’s possible that they unknowingly ingest one or two hidden insects. 

Don’t worry, most insects are easily digestible proteins that shouldn’t cause your bunny too much harm

Can Bugs Harm Bunnies

Yes, some insects can harm bunnies. 

There are a host of insects that have harmful defensive mechanisms and chemicals, general bad taste, or sharp body armor that can harm your rabbit’s mouth and digestive system.

Note that most insects in North America are lethal when in groups, which limits the danger for your bunny as they are not likely to come across or be targeted by a swarm while passing time outside. 

But if your rabbit does accidentally chomp on a dangerous insect, their initial reaction will be to spit it out, just as we humans do when we don’t like the taste or texture of a food. 

In this way, rabbit’s natural instincts look out for them! 

But we always recommend inspecting all the hay and grasses that you offer your rabbits to ensure that there aren’t any hidden insects among the plant material. 

We have yet to have an issue with our rabbits ingesting a harmful insect on our hobby farm, and I owe that to the inspection I give to all hay, grasses, veggies, and even fruits that we offer our rabbits. 

Do Wild Rabbits Eat Bugs

Wild rabbits, just like your domestic bunny, do not intentionally eat insects. 

But it is true that wild rabbits are more likely to have a bug slip in a mouthful of yummy grass or leaves because wild rabbits forage for all of their food.  

And if you’re wondering if rabbits will eat specific bugs, check out the section below for best answers to some common questions. 

Do Rabbits Eat Lizards?

Lizards are reptiles, not insects. Rabbits do not eat lizards and usually leave these small reptiles alone. 

The only time a rabbit is likely to attack or ward off a lizard with violence is if a mother rabbit is defending her young. 

Do Rabbits Eat Worms?

Earthworms are invertebrates that are much more fleshy by nature than true insects. 

For this reason, earthworms are not a natural part of a rabbit’s diet. 

However, while digging for roots your rabbit may eat an earthworm accidentally; don’t worry, an earthworm here and there won’t harm your bunny. 

Do Rabbits Eat Cockroaches?

Cockroaches are large insects with thick and strong exoskeletons. 

If a rabbit comes across a cockroach she will avoid it and may even move herself away from this large insect. 

The last thing a rabbit would do if faced with a cockroach is attack and eat it!

Do Rabbits Eat Ants?

Ants are very small insects that may easily be accidentally eaten by your rabbit. 

Note that there are many different species of ants and many of them are aggressive, actively biting and injecting venom into any creature deemed as a threat. 

As such, ants can actually be a serious threat to your bunny and you should ensure that their spaces are free of fire ants, harvester ants, and oak ants. 

Final Thoughts on Do Rabbits Eat Bugs

As discussed, rabbits are not predator animals and have no natural instincts that encourage them to intentionally eat bugs or insects. 

And while a harmless insect may be ingested while munching on hay and grass, it is best to inspect all plant material offered to your bunny to ensure a dangerous or venomous insect is not eaten!

Finally, if you fear that your rabbit has ingested a harmful insect, we recommend calling your local vet immediately and following their best instructions. 

Rabbits’ digestive system is very sensitive and it is essential to remedy any digestive risks quickly for the overall health and happiness of your bunny! 

Check out this video on the 20 Biggest Insects Ever Found – your rabbit is sure to avoid these ones!

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