What is the lifespan of bunnies

What Is The Lifespan of Bunnies: Questions Answered

The question of average lifespan is often important when it comes to deciding which homestead or pet animals to adopt and raise. 

The lifespan of an animal dictates the degree of resources, food, and time that is necessary in taking care of them! 

Well cared for homestead or pet rabbits have an average lifespan of 8 to 12 years. While wild rabbits have an average lifespan of 1 to 3 years. There are various factors that will influence your rabbit’s lifespan for the better OR for the worse. 

That is why in this post we will go over some of the most important factors that influence the lifespan of bunnies!

Lifespan Of Wild vs. Domestic Rabbits

We stated that the average lifespan of rabbits is anywhere from 8-12 years. Yet this actually refers to domestic rabbits, for the lifespan of wild rabbits is usually much shorter. 

Wild rabbits usually live for only about 1-3 years.

Why is the lifespan of domestic rabbits much longer than the lifespan of wild rabbits? 

Because domestic rabbits face significantly fewer daily dangers and have the security of a well-placed outdoor hutch (or indoor house) in comparison to wild bunnies. 

Threats to the Lifespan of Wild Rabbits

As natural prey animals wild rabbits face numerous daily threats and challenges to servival, including: 

In fact, wild rabbits’ lives are so risky that they have evolved as a species to reproduce quickly in order to combat the dangerous (and usually short) life that each individual faces.  Additionally, they are a food source for many predators. Rabbits are clearly a prey, not a predator. 

Can rabbits Live In Cages

Factors That Influence the Lifespan of Domestic Rabbits

The lifespan of a domestic rabbit depends heavily on the type and quality of care they receive. 

And while the oldest rabbit lived for 18 years, most domestic bunnies with attentive owners will prosper until they are about 8 or 10 years old. 

All rabbit owners can work to increase their homestead or pet rabbits’ lifespan by focusing on these top factors that influence the lifespan of domestic rabbits: 

  • Quality Food

Rabbits are natural herbivores that require a diet high in fiber and low in sugars and proteins. Their system is easily compromised when they do not receive foods of this specification. Our best suggestion is a diet keeps your rabbits happy and healthy: 

Unlimited hay (75% to 80%)

Quality pellets (10% to 15%)

Leafy green vegetables and treats (5% to 10%)

Lavender Repels Most Rabbits

Read our post on all foods rabbits can eat for other best rabbit feeding guidelines! 

  • Quality Shelter

A sturdy house or hutch is essential for domestic rabbits as it keeps them safe from potential predators (especially if housed outdoors) and offers them a personal space that soothes and calms them. 

Quality shelters can take many forms. For example, while we primarily use well-built raised hutches, a rabbit tractor is another great option for increasing the lifespan of a rabbit! 

  • Exercise, Boredom & Relationship

Rabbits are active, curious, and social animals. In the wild, rabbits live, forage, and play together. 

As such it is very important that your domestic rabbits have the opportunity to explore, move, exercise and socialize throughout the day

A daily practice of exercise, whether that be time in an outdoor pen, a safe backyard, or even walking and hoping in the house, can greatly boost the health and longevity of your bunny. 

As social animals, rabbits enjoy spending time with each other. 

We suggest letting your rabbits socialize together (note that overly aggressive rabbits should be removed from the group). 

And if you only have one bunny just be sure to gently hold, pet, and socialize with them multiple times a day! 

  • Reduced Stress

As natural prey animals rabbits are quick to be stressed, scared and frightened. 

If a rabbit experiences many stressful situations it can cause them to have poor health, a weak immune system, and may even lead to eating disorders. 

Therefore, we highly recommend creating a safe, threat-free environment for your rabbits. 

Keep them away from other pets or homestead animals, dangerous equipment, or an area with constant loud noises. 

Rabbit In Shock - Call Your Vet
  • Vet Visits

The best way to care for your rabbit is by interacting with them daily. This will help you become familiar with your bunny and will make it very easy to notice if they are acting strangely or if they are ill. 

On top of that, it is important to check in regularly with your local vet, especially if you notice something abnormal with your bunny. 

While it may not be necessary to visit the vet, a quick chat can lead to a fast diagnosis and treatment! 

All in all, it doesn’t take much to make your bunnies happy and healthy, just a few key elements that greatly increases their overall longevity. It’s not just about lifespan, it’s about “healthspan” – how long your bunny is living a healthy, vibrant bunny life..

How Long Do Rabbits Live As Pets Outside?

The lifespan of your domestic outdoor rabbit may be a bit shorter than the average 8 years because they will be more exposed to harsh weather throughout their life. 

However, if you provide proper housing, quality diet and encourage exercise, outdoor rabbits can also live for many years. 

For example, we have had outdoor rabbits that lived with us for 8 years!

What Is The Lifespan Of A Cottontail Rabbit?

The lifespan of a cottontail rabbit is the same as any other wild rabbit: about 1-3 years. 

Final Thoughts on Lifespan Of Bunnies

Rabbits are a perfect example of how quality care can greatly increase the lifespan and “healthspan” of homestead or pet rabbits. 

A wild rabbit, facing many natural dangers, doesn’t usually live past 3 years, but a healthy and well tended domestic rabbit can be around for up to 12 years.

Overall, although they are naturally nervous and cautious, rabbits are hardy little critters that are a great long term pet or homestead animal option! 

This video shares some great general information about the lifespan of bunnies

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