Newborn Rabbits: When Do Bunnies Grow Fur

We’ve seen our fair share of rabbit litters here at Hobby Farm Heaven and know exactly when rabbits open their eyes and when newborn rabbits grow fur. 

That’s right, although they are born completely pink and hairless, baby bunnies grow fur after just one week in the nest. 

The first coat of fur is a short, shiny coat that will eventually grow into a soft coat of warm insulation. 

This fur helps newborn rabbits develop very quickly from defenseless kits to bouncy, furry puffs of energy! 

What Does a Newborn Rabbit Look Like

Newborn rabbits are almost unrecognizable compared to the furry, cute little rabbits we know. 

When born, bunnies are blind, deaf, and hairless.

Their tiny bodies are very fragile and defenseless and their movements are limited to body wiggles and slight neck movements. 

Pink Baby Bunnies

When Do Rabbits Grow Fur

You will notice a very fine, shiny coat of short fur covering newborn rabbits after about a week in the nest. 

This is their first coat of fur and from this point on, they will be hairy little mammals! 

Can You Touch a Newborn Rabbit’s Fur

Gently touching the soft fur of newborn rabbits is okay to do as long as you follow these guidelines:

  • Wash your hands beforehand with unscented soap 
  • Do not pull, pinch, or push the baby rabbits
  • Do not touch the delicate ears or the skin covering the eyes of the newborn bunnies 
  • Do not shine any bright light into the nest of baby bunnies

How Can You Tell What Color Your Rabbit Is At Birth

Fur color is actually simple to detect from the skin of newborn bunnies. 

For example, if the skin of newborn rabbits is pink or tan they will grow white, light brown, or creamy colored fur. 

And if their skin is black or dark in color they will grow black, dark brown or gray fur. 

We’ve even had baby rabbits with spotted skin that then grow spotted coats of fur!

Are All Rabbits Born Without Hair

Yes, all rabbits are born without hair. 

This includes wild rabbits and all domestic rabbits. Even longhaired rabbits are born without fur! 

Beautiful Baby Bunnies

How Long Does It Take Rabbit Fur to Grow

If you are wondering when will baby bunnies get fur, the short answer is about 7 days after birth.


This first coat is very fine, short and soft. It will continue to grow longer and is a full coat of fur after a week and a half (about 12 days).  

Within two weeks, baby bunnies have a full coat of fur. During this time their ears also open and their eyes fully develop (remember, bunnies are born deaf and blind). 

Why Is My Baby Rabbit Losing Its Fur?

Do not be alarmed if your immature rabbit between 3 months and 12 months of age is shedding its fur, this is natural! 

That’s right, as they continue to grow, baby rabbits will shed their first coat of fur and grow their adult coat. 

This can happen anytime between 3-12 months of age and is very variable between different rabbits. 

However, if the loss of hair seems unnatural or if there is no hair growing to replace what is being shed, your rabbit may be sick, undernourished, or have rabbit mites

We recommend consulting your local vet if this rare occurrence is witnessed in your baby rabbits! 

Can Bunnies Change Color?

Yes, it is possible that your rabbit will change the color of its fur as it matures

This is especially possible when your baby rabbit sheds its first coat and grows its adult coat of fur anytime between 3 and 12 months of age. 

When Do Baby Rabbits Start Walking?

Baby rabbits will start to move more inside their nest after about 2 weeks of age.

They will then begin to leave the nest after about 3 or 4 weeks of age to explore the house or hutch of their mother.

How Can You Tell How Old A Baby Bunny Is?

Sometimes this is guesswork, however there are a few developmental clues that can help you age baby rabbits:

  • 1-7 days – no fur, low mobility, with skin covering their eyes
  • 7-14 days – short, fine coat of fur and potentially open eyes
  • 2-3 weeks – fine coat of fur, open eyes, and moving around in the nest
  • 3-4 weeks – walking and exploring a bit outside the nest and nibbling at hay/grasses

And here is a related post: How Can You Tell How Old A Rabbit Is?

Final Thoughts on When Do Bunnies Grow Fur

Baby bunnies exhibit quick development from helpless newborns to furry and curious kits. 

Bunnies grow fur at just 7 days old and then continue to develop and grow into seeing, mobile, and more independent critters. 

Finally, remember that the best way to tend to newborn kits is by tending to their mother! 

For best tips on how to do this, read our post on what to do after rabbit gives birth.  

Here’s a video from Good Simple Living about baby rabbits growing fur!

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