Does A Snake Eat A Rabbit

Does A Snake Eat A Rabbit

Can A Snake Eat A Rabbit: Predator or Not?

If you are raising rabbits you’ll want to know all the potential predators to look out for. While some may seem like no-brainers, such as eagles as rabbit predators, others are very surprising, such as groundhogs as rabbit predators

So what about snakes? Can a snake eat a rabbit? 

Yes, snakes will and do eat rabbits. Snakes are a natural and common rabbit predator and are a reptile to look out for. 

Do All Snakes Eat Rabbits

When it comes to snakes eating rabbits, you must realize that adult rabbits are much too big for a regular sized snake to handle, but smaller or immature rabbits are easy pickings. This is because snakes eat their meals whole, and must be able to fit the entire thing in their mouths at once!

That said, just about any regular sized snake that is hungry and comes across a smaller rabbit will be happy to gobble it down. Conversely, the large size of a mature rabbit is likely to deter the snake from attacking. Unless that is, the snake is a big one such as the Eastern Indigo Snake

Common Black Snakes Eat Rabbits

Can A Snake Eat Baby Rabbits

Yes, snakes always target baby rabbits more than adult rabbits. Unfortunately, we have had experiences with snakes attacking our hobby farm rabbits. There is a wide variety of snakes where we live in Pennsylvania, but the one that slipped into our young bunnies hutch and wreaked havoc was a plain, black snake. 

That means it could have been an Eastern Black Rat snake, a Northern Black Racer, or a Black Garter snake. Needless to say, it found our three immature rabbits and had no problem making them a midday snack. 

Preventing Snakes From Eating Rabbits

Some of the best ways to guard your rabbits from snake predators include: 

  • Ensure there are no holes in the floor, top, or walls of your rabbit’s hutch or house.
  • Place your rabbit’s hutch or house above the ground, at least 2-3ft, on thin legs. 
  • Patch up any tears in the hutch or house wiring as soon as you notice them.
  • Do not let your rabbits roam in areas with lots of brush or in unknown grassy patches.

Learn from us! The only reason snakes ate our baby rabbits is because we took too long to patch up a tear in their hutch wall; the snake was able to slip in and take advantage of our oversight. 

Can A Rattlesnake Eat A Rabbit

Yes, rattlesnakes will eat rabbits. Some rattlesnakes are huge, like the Eastern Diamondback rattlesnake, the largest venomous snake in North America, and have no problem hunting and eating a fully grown rabbit.

However, most rattlesnakes of medium to smaller sizes will target smaller, immature or baby rabbits as they are easier to hunt and eat. If you live in rattlesnake habitat, take extra caution in allowing your homestead or pet rabbits to roam in the yard!  

Rattlesnakes Do Eat Rabbits

Will A Rabbit Eat A Snake?

Rabbits are natural herbivores, eating 100% plant materials. There have been some survival or territorial instances when rabbits have been found to eat meat, but your domestic rabbit will not eat a snake.

Most probably, a victorious rabbit that has killed a snake after an attack may bite the dead snake but will not consume the snake. 

How Do Snakes Eat Bunnies?

Snakes will first bite, poison, suffocate, or otherwise kill their rabbit prey, and then swallow the meal whole in one large bite. 

Do Rabbits Attract Snakes?

Rabbits will not directly attract a snake. However, as a natural prey animal, your homestead or pet rabbit may be an invitation for any snake living nearby. 

Final Thoughts on Can A Snake Eat A Rabbit

As we’ve discussed, snakes are serious predators to be aware of as a rabbit owner. Fortunately, there are best housing and outdoor practices to follow that will limit the risk of your bunny finding itself swallowed whole! 

Finally, check out this video of a mama rabbit fighting a snake that is attacking her babies – rabbits never stop surprising us! 

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