If you are raising rabbits, or have a pet rabbit, and allow them time outside to roam in an enclosure, you’ll want to be aware of all potential predators that could strike and wreak havoc.
That is why our topic for today’s post is whether or not owls eat rabbits.
Do Owls Eat Bunnies?
Yes, owls are natural predators of rabbits and almost all species of owls will hunt and eat rabbits. With their great sense of sight and ability to fly noiselessly, owls can easily spot and catch and kill both adolescent and adult rabbits.
Do Owls Eat Baby Bunnies?
Although baby rabbits are small, many owls enjoy them as a snack or as part of a meal. In fact, baby rabbits are most at risk for being killed and eaten by owls as both large and medium sized owls can effectively hunt them. Conversely, adult rabbits are only preyed on by owls large and strong enough to hunt and kill bigger mammals.
What Owls Eat Rabbits
Different species of owls inhabit different areas of the continent, so let’s take a look at some common owls that rabbit owners should look out for!
- Barn Owls
Do barn owls eat rabbits? Yes, they do. Barn owls are a large species of owls and they find it easy to hunt and eat both baby and adult rabbits.
- Great Horned Owls
If you’ve asked yourself do great horned owls eat rabbits? The answer is: they surely do. Great horned owls are one of the most common owls in North America and live primarily off small rodents and rabbits.
- Barred Owl
Barred Owls do eat rabbits as they are a larger owl and often come across rabbits and other small mammals in their forested habitat.

How Often Do Owls Eat Rabbits
Owls eat multiple meals a day, any one or two of which could be a rabbit!
Remember, owls are skilled hunters that can swoop down and catch your furry friend in an instant. As they usually hunt at nightfall and during the night, always remember to return your rabbit to their safe hutch or indoor house as dusk falls.
We never recommend allowing your rabbit to roam outside at dusk or during late hours, as doing this would be playing with fate and may result in your bunny becoming an owl’s meal.
What Owls Don’t Eat Rabbits?
The only owl species that don’t eat rabbits are those that are too small to properly hunt and consume a rabbit. For example, the screech owl, which is about the size of a cardinal, focuses on very small rodents, insects, and other small prey rather than hunting rabbits.
In addition, rabbits are not listed as a part of the burrowing owl’s diet. Instead, these central and western North American birds hunt insects and other small mammals.
Frequently Asked Questions Related To Owls Eating Rabbits
How Do Owls Eat Rabbits?
Depending on the size of the owl and the rabbit it catches, owls may eat rabbits whole (later spitting up the indigestible parts) or they may target the eyes and brain. In fact, some owls are known for just eating the heads of their prey.
Why Do Owls Take Heads Off Of Rabbits?
Many owls take the heads off of rabbits they hunt because they prefer to eat the eyes and brains of their prey first. Additionally, the brains are very high in protein and essential fats. These parts are soft and easy to digest. In fact, owls cannot digest the bones, fur, teeth and nails that make up the rest of the rabbit!
Video on Owl Hunting: Including Owl Hunting Rabbit
Final Thoughts on Do Owls Eat Rabbits
It is important to realize that rabbits are natural prey animals, and that your homestead or pet rabbits look appetizing to natural predators such as owls.
We highly recommend taking extra steps to protect your bunnies from owls by never allowing them to roam outside during dusk or night and by vigilantly staying with them during outdoor time.
If you are wanting more information about potential rabbit predators and how to best protect your rabbit outdoors, check out our posts on eagles and groundhogs as rabbit predators.