Some of the most vicious rabbit predators are the most surprising, like raccoons or snakes. Others, such as eagles and owls, have been well known rabbit predators for hundreds of years.
In fact, birds of prey pose a serious threat as skilled and patient rabbit hunters. That is why this post is focused on a potential rabbit predator: the sparrow hawk. So, do sparrowhawks eat rabbits?
No, sparrow hawks do not eat rabbits. Rather, these fast yet small birds of prey focus on catching and feasting on smaller bird species rather than mammals such as rabbits. Let’s take a look at some other common questions about these birds of prey.
Do Sparrowhawks Attack Rabbits?
It is unlikely that a sparrow hawk will attack a rabbit, especially if we are speaking about an adult rabbit. Sparrowhawks are small, fast, and agile birds of prey that have evolved to hunt and attack other small bird species; they have little to no interest in mammals such as rabbits. In fact, pigeons are the biggest prey they hunt!
Will A Sparrowhawk Take A Rabbit?
Rabbits are not the preferred prey of sparrow hawks because of their large and bulky size. As such, your adult rabbits, and even your baby and immature rabbits, are safe from a sparrowhawk attack.
Can A Sparrowhawk Kill A Rabbit?
Sparrowhawks are masters at flying and hunting in confined spaces, such as tree filled forests. As such, sparrowhawks can fly at 25mph while hunting! This gives them an incredible advantage over their primary diet of small birds and fledglings.
However, the sparrow hawks’ small size and lack of strong talons or beak leaves them ill equipped to kill a rabbit, unless it is a helpless newborn or baby rabbit.
Can Sparrow Hawks Eat Rabbits?
Adult and adolescent rabbits are much too large for a sparrow hawk to enjoy, however, newborn and baby rabbits may be tempting for these small birds. However, sparrow hawks are only likely to kill and eat small rabbits if absolutely ALL other food options are unavailable.
Without doubt, sparrowhawks are NOT a predator to watch out for on your hobby farm or while allowing your pet rabbit time outside. However, don’t forget that birds of prey in general pose a serious threat to your furry friends!
Do Birds Of Prey Eat Rabbits?
Yes, rabbits (especially small babies or immature bunnies) are ideal prey for larger birds of prey, such as the many other larger species of hawks out there.
We always recommend to remain vigilant while your rabbits are outside so that an opportunistic hawk won’t attack. When a hawk grabs rabbit is is surely the end of the little mammal.
Can A Hawk Pick Up A Rabbit?
A strong healthy hawk will be able to swoop down and grab a small rabbit in its talons and take flight again. However, if the hawk misjudges the weight of the rabbit, it can struggle to take flight again and may have to have its meal on the ground.
Do Hawks Eat Baby Bunnies?
Hawks prefer baby rabbits over adult rabbits because they are easier to hunt and lighter to carry. As such, be very aware of any local hawks living in your area and guard your baby and immature rabbits against an attack by always accompanying them during outdoor time and making sure their hutches or houses are patched and hole-free!
Do Hawks Eat The Whole Rabbit?
Yes, a hawk will eat all of the rabbit. They do this by pulling and picking apart the prey, consuming all bones, fur, and meat.
Do Red Tailed Hawks Eat Rabbits?
Yes, Red Tailed Hawks eat rabbits as well as other farm animals such as chickens. These hawks grab rabbits and fly off with them as they have strong talons and wings. To know about our own experience with this bird of prey, take a look at the story we share below!
Frequently Asked Questions Related To
Do Sparrowhawks Eat Rabbits
Do All Hawks Eat Rabbits?
Yes, all of the larger birds of prey will hunt and eat rabbits when the opportunity strikes.
Can a Hawk Grab A Rabbit?
Yes, a large enough hawk can grab, lift, and carry away a small enough rabbit. This is why baby and immature rabbits are always at more risk of predation by birds of prey than adult rabbits.
Although a bit gruesome for some people, there are several YouTube videos showing various kinds of hawks swooping down on rabbits and eating them. Here is a Video of Hawk Hunting A Rabbit (Desert, Southwestern US)
Final Thoughts on Do Sparrowhawks Eat Rabbits
While you must not underestimate the hunting abilities of larger birds of prey, such as owls, eagles, and large hawks, the smaller sparrowhawk itself does not pose a threat to your homestead or pet rabbits.
Instead, this small bird of prey is more likely to strike down a few local songbirds than your immature or adult rabbits. Rest easy if you live in sparrowhawk habitat, knowing your rabbits are not threatened!

The Story of The Red Tailed Hawk At Hobby Farm Heaven
Back in the days at our Hobby Farm we were losing some of our free range hens to a predator. Most often we’d find the hen’s head and neck missing and some of her insides spilled on the ground. But sometimes we’d find the hen’s head intact but her neck broken, with some of her insides spilled via her neck.
At first, we couldn’t figure out what predator was getting at our hens! Each evening the hens retreated to roost in a protective shed. That meant that whatever was getting at them was doing it in broad daylight.
Eventually, my father-in-law spotted a red tailed hawk sitting up high in a tree near the chickens. He patiently watched this bird of prey and, sure enough, saw the hawk swoopws down on one of the chickens!
The hawk mounted the chicken’s back and tore into its neck. It then fed for a few minutes and flew off again, leaving the rest of the chicken behind. Coincidentally, that was the last time we saw the hawk. It must have found better or easier prey in other parts. Since then, our chickens have been resting easy, as have our rabbits!