Do Rabbits Really Eat Carrots

Do Rabbits Really Eat Carrots?

Greetings Lagomorph Lovers! Today, our bunny topic is: Do Rabbits Really Eat Carrots? 

Until I had my own rabbits, I imagined rabbits treating carrots as if they were gold; just like Bugs Bunny! Yes, Rabbits really do eat carrots!  However, wild rabbits rarely dig up carrots and other roots or tubers. As such, carrots are not a natural food of rabbits.

Nonetheless, you may feed carrots to your rabbits as they are non-toxic, but only as a treat as carrots are naturally high in sugars. Too many sweet treats such as carrots will disturb a rabbit’s digestive system and make it sick!

Bonus: the embedded video below displays a “Rabbit Tractor” too!

Can Rabbits Eat Carrots Every day?

Technically, yes – you could give your rabbit a small sliver of carrot every day.

But More realistically, No – quality hay, some rabbit pellets and some green leafy vegetables are what rabbits thrive on. 

Carrots are sweet treats that should only be provided infrequently, and only a small piece at a time. For sure, most rabbits love carrots because most rabbits, like us humans, also have a sweet tooth. 

Quick Note: We distinguish between carrots (the root in the soil) and carrot tops (the greens above the soil). When we say carrots, we are referring to the orange, crunchy root!

Here is some “Carrot Science” from Healthline that explains just why carrots are too rich to be a normal and daily food for healthy bunnies. The nutrition facts for two small-to-medium raw carrots (100 grams) are:

  • Calories: 41
  • Water: 88%
  • Protein: 0.9 grams
  • Carbs: 9.6 grams – That’s a lot of Carbs for a rabbit!
  • Sugar: 4.7 grams – That’s a ton of Sugar for a rabbit!
  • Fiber: 2.8 grams
  • Fat: 0.2 grams
  • Fiber:  2.7 grams
  • Rich in Vitamin A, Biotin, Vitamin K, Potassium, Vitamin B6
  • Plant compounds include the antioxidants: Lutein, Lycopene, and Anthocyanins
Can Rabbits Eat Carrot Tops

How Much Carrot Can Rabbits Eat?

Our friends at the House Rabbit Society focus on rabbits eating carrots by recommending rabbit owners limit carrot feeding to 1 inch per day, per rabbit.

Further, they explain that the bountiful sugar and starch in the carrots either gets turned into fat, or make its way to the rabbit’s cecum where the rabbit’s gut bacteria will use the extra starch and sugars to over produce and rapidly overgrow, which may lead to GI Statis or other gut issues for the rabbit.

Can Rabbits Eat Carrot Peelings?

No, rabbits should not eat carrot peelings.  Although, a small number of peelings, equal to about 1 inch of a regular sized carrot, is allowable.

If you do feed some carrot peelings to your bunny, then be sure to wash your hands and the carrot before peeling and feeding!

Can Rabbits Eat Carrot Skin?

Carrot skin is also known as carrot peelings, so don’t feed a lot of these to your bunnies! However a small amount of carrot skin as a treat is okay as long as it is washed beforehand.

Can Rabbits Eat Rainbow Carrots?

No, rabbits should not eat rainbow carrots often.  Although a small amount of rainbow carrots, about 1 inch, is allowable! If you do feed some rainbow carrot to your bunny, then be sure to wash your hands and the carrot before cutting and feeding.

Rainbow carrots are full of nutrients, but they are also high in starch and sugars that are not good for bunnies. We only offer carrots to our rabbits as a rare sweet treat!

Can Rabbits Eat Carrot Leaves Carrot Greens

Can Rabbits Eat Purple Carrots?

Just like rainbow and orange carrots, purple carrots of full of sugars! As such is it not ideal to offer them to your rabbits often. A small number of purple carrots, about 1 inch, is allowable.

Additionally, note that the purple carrot may make the rabbit’s urine purple for a day.

Purple carrots are full of nutrients, but they are also high in starch and sugars that are not good for bunnies.

Can Baby Rabbits Eat Carrots?

No, baby rabbits should not eat carrots.  Baby rabbits’ digestive systems are incredibly sensative and cannot yet handle the high sugars and starches in carrot root.

A weaned, young bunny of about 12 weeks may take a bite or two of a 1 inch piece of carrot that you provide to its mother.  That is OK, it will not hurt the bunny. But overall, baby rabbits should not eat carrots.

Can Rabbits Eat Carrot Leaves?

Yes, green carrot leaves contain fiber and helpful nutrients for rabbits, they are great bunny food. As always, before feeding carrot leave to your rabbit, be sure to wash your hands and the carrot leave before feeding.

Can Rabbits Eat Carrot Tops?

Yes, green carrot tops contain fiber and other very helpful nutrients for bunnies.  Carrot tops are good food for bunnies and simply must be washed before eating!

Video of Rabbits Eating Carrot Tops and Broccoli – Rabbit Tractor too!

Balanced Diet for Rabbit

Again, our friends at the House Rabbit Society promote the following as a healthy, long term diet for your rabbit:

  • Grass Hay 75 – 80%
  • High Fiber Rabbit Pellets   20%
  • Green Vegetables 5 -15%
  • Avoid sugars, nuts, bread and seeds

Also note that rabbit nutritional needs change during the rabbit’s life cycle: young rabbits growing fast, pregnant mother rabbit, lactating mother rabbit nursing kits, maintenance as a healthy adult rabbit, aging rabbit, sick rabbit, obese rabbit, etc.

Rabbit nutritional needs also vary by breed type: size (mini, regular, rex, giant), long haired, etc.

Final Thoughts

As we’ve discussed, when rabbit food is mentioned, we all think of carrots… mostly due to the popular cartoon character bugs bunny and his entertaining escapades.

But the truth is that carrots are not a good food for rabbit health and longevity.

Do rabbits really eat carrots?  Yes, if a carrot is provided to a bunny, then it will feast on the carrot.  The sweet carrot is a sugary treat to a rabbit and they usually love them. And although carrots offer some heallthy nutrients, this sweet root is not good for the rabbit’s digestive system or long term health.

Finally, wild rabbits do not eat carrots, because wild rabbits do not dig for roots and tubers; carrots are not part of the rabbit’s natural diet!

Want to know more about vegetables for rabbits and what vegetables can rabbits have daily?  
Click on this link:  Vegetables for Rabbits     

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