Rabbits are natural, obligate herbivores. This means their digestive systems and metabolism rely on the ingestion of 100% plant materials.
One thing is for sure: grasshoppers are not plant material. Rabbits do not naturally eat grasshoppers.
To understand why not, and in what circumstances your bunny might actually eat a grasshopper, read on!
Rabbits Eat Grass Not Grasshoppers
As herbivores with unique digestive systems, rabbits rely on lots of fibrous foodstuffs to keep their bodily systems happy and healthy.
This is why we offer our bunnies unlimited quantities of hay, they can truly never get too much of it!
And while it is a great idea to also offer your bunnies limited amounts of natural treats or dietary supplements, such as nutritious herbs, greens such as fresh grass, and veggies to boost their health and performance, all the foodstuff offered to your rabbit must remain 100% plant material.
A rabbit’s digestive system actually can not digest animal proteins, which is exactly what a grasshopper is.
What Is A Grasshopper?
Grasshoppers are insects that have been around for the last 250 million years! They lack blood as we know it and instead circulate a green fluid called hemolymph.
They sport six legs and a set of wings and are well known for their ‘hopping’ action achieved by springing forward using their large hind feet.
As insects, grasshoppers are animals and have been a source of dense protein for many different groups of peoples for centuries. In fact, grasshoppers are still a well loved taco filler in certain parts of Mexico – something my kids have enjoyed eating during their travels!
Is Grasshopper Eaten By Rabbit
The only time your rabbit would eat a grasshopper is if they didn’t know it, or by accident.
That may seem confusing, let me elaborate:
Have you ever seen those tiny, tiny grasshoppers that are almost translucent in the grass? Or a small, immature grasshopper nymph?
These small critters are often green in color and blend into vegetation. For this exact reason, there is a chance that your rabbit could unknowingly gulp one down with a mouthful of fresh grass.
However, rabbits have a strong sense of smell (up to 20 times better than ours!) and are usually very inept at avoiding insects and other critters while eating.
Do Wild Rabbits Eat Grasshoppers
Your domestic homestead or pet rabbits will probably never eat a grasshopper by accident, especially if you are diligent about expecting and cleaning all the greens you offer them!
However, a wild rabbit may ingest a few grasshoppers in its lifetime, although it is still highly unlikely as no rabbit will search out a grasshopper as a snack.
Are Grasshoppers Dangerous To Rabbits
Grasshoppers can harbor a number of different bacterias and viruses and spread those to your rabbits if ingested.
But the natural instincts of both animals often prevent this from happening and it isn’t a serious threat to your bunnies.
Frequently Asked Question Related To Do Bunnies Eat Grasshoppers
What Happens If A Rabbit Eats A Grasshopper?
If a rabbit does eat a grasshopper, it may become slightly bloated or constipated as it struggles to digest it. But one small grasshopper shouldn’t cause death to your rabbit. Either way, if you witness your rabbit eat a grasshopper we recommend calling your local vet and keeping a close eye on your bunny!
What Should Rabbits Not Eat?
In addition to any animal proteins, rabbits should never ingest the following foods, as they are indigestible and will cause serious stomach upset, bloating, constipation and may even lead to death:
- Any cooked food
- Any processed food
- Wilted or moldy plants
- Strong spices
- Spicy plants
- Toxic plants like lilies and onions
Final Thoughts On Do Bunnies Eat Grasshoppers
One or two small grasshoppers may find themselves in your rabbit’s hay or plant food, but the survival instincts of both animals usually leads the grasshopper to spring away from you rabbit and your rabbit to avoid eating the small insect.
However, we always recommend inspecting the hay, grass, and other plant foodstuff that you offer your rabbit to ensure they are not ingesting any small critters or potentially indigestible material!