Wondering what foodstuff is safe for your bunnies is a sign of being a good rabbit owner; you want to know just what your rabbits can safely ingest and vice versa!
So what about mushrooms: can bunnies eat mushrooms?
No, rabbits should never eat mushrooms. Many mushrooms are incredibly toxic to rabbits and must be avoided at all costs.
To learn more about why mushrooms are dangerous for your rabbit to consume, and our own experience with mushrooms and bunnies, read on!
Why Can’t Rabbits Eat Mushrooms
Mushrooms are, to some, one of the most delicious parts of a meal. One of my daughters loves mushrooms and will add them to almost any cooked dish she makes!
Mushrooms provide an umami taste, otherwise known as savoury. The reason for this is because all mushrooms are fungi. That’s right, a mushroom is the flowering head of a fungus and, for this reason, contributes a complex flavor that cannot be found from other plant or animal foods.
Regardless, rabbits cannot have mushrooms.
There are more than 11,000 different types of wild mushroom across the North American continent, with about 20% of these being poisonous or fatally toxic.
Mushrooms are known for being hard to identify and for causing instant death in individuals that mistook a poisonous variety for a safe one.
For this exact reason, the fungal and potentially toxic nature of mushrooms makes them dangerous for bunnies to ingest.
Remember, some mushrooms that aren’t toxic to us humans can be toxic to bunnies, while others may not be toxic but can still result in digestive issues and mess with proper assimilation of nutrients.
While there isn’t much research on common grocery store mushrooms causing sickness in rabbits, we have had our bunnies react poorly when we offered them a few fresh grocery store mushrooms (this was back when we first started raising rabbits):
Two of our rabbits ate a single mushroom, and about 15 minutes later they both sat down in their hutches and wouldn’t move, refused to drink water, and seemed stressed.
We called our local veterinarian immediately and she was able to assist our rabbit to pass the mushroom with a safe laxative and warned us to avoid all types of mushrooms in the future. It was quite a dangerous mistake and since then, we have never offered any type of mushroom to our bunnies.
Read more on the 5 most poisonous mushrooms of North America here.
Why Are Mushrooms Harmful To Bunnies
Many mushrooms naturally contain mycotoxins.
As the WHO explains, mycotoxins are naturally occurring toxins produced and contained within fungus.
Some mycotoxins cause an immediate, detrimental effect on bodily systems when ingested while others wreak havoc over an extended period of time.
Some of the most common mycotoxins and their toxicity is listed below.
Mycotoxin | Toxicity |
Aflatoxins | Liver damage, DNA damage, and cancer |
Ochratoxin A | Kidney damage and immune system failure |
Patulin | Kidney, liver and spleen damage |
Gyromitrins | Nausea, stomach cramps, and diarrhea |
Orellanine | Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain |
Will Mushrooms Kill Rabbits
Yes, one bite of the wrong mushroom can kill your bunny.
While common store bought mushrooms may not cause your rabbit death, no experienced vet has ever suggested feeding store-bought mushrooms to our rabbits.
Mushrooms contain some vitamins, minerals, and minimal amounts of fiber. But they do not, by any means, meet the nutritional needs of rabbits.
It really is a best practice to keep any edible mushrooms for yourself and your family and stick to unlimited hay and high quality pellets for your bunnies.
How To Ensure Rabbits Don’t Eat Mushrooms
There are a few easy ways to ensure your bunnies aren’t eating mushrooms:
- Clean all hutches and used surfaces weekly. This will prevent mushroom spores from germinating and growing in the living spaces of your rabbit. Learn how to best clean your rabbit’s hutch.
- Choose your rabbits outdoor space wisely. Mushrooms grow in moist places where soil is rich in decomposing material. Choosing a sunny, dry outdoor spot for your rabbits to play in will make it highly unlikely for them to come across any wild mushrooms.
- Educate your family and friends. Make sure all visiting family and friends know that mushrooms cannot be offered to your rabbits. Also, let them know just which treats they can offer your bunnies, such as rabbit-safe herbs, veggies and fruits!
Do Wild Bunnies Eat Mushrooms
Wild rabbits have strong instincts that naturally lead them to search out coarse, high fiber greens and plant material over mushrooms.
In fact, the bright coloring that a number of toxic mushrooms sport helps wild rabbits know to stay away!
However, your domestic rabbits, wether homestead animals or pets, will not have such strong instincts; you may need to take proactive steps to ensure they don’t take a curious bite out of an unknown mushroom!
What To Do If Your Rabbit Eats Mushrooms
If you find that your rabbit has nibbled on a mushroom, we recommend taking a photo of the mushroom and contacting your local veterinarian as soon as possible.
Closely observe your rabbit as well, as some mycotoxins take between 2-20 hrs to manifest.
You can also contact your local poison control center and share the image of the mushroom with them, they may be able to help you identify it.
Frequently Asked Questions Related To Can Rabbits Have Mushrooms
Can Rabbits Eat Button Mushrooms?
No type of mushroom should be offered to your rabbits. This included button, chestnut, white, portobello, or any type of wild mushroom.
Can Rabbits Eat Mushroom Caps or Mushroom Stems?
No part of a mushroom should be offered to your bunnies. This includes the cap, cap underside, and the stem.
What Rabbits Cannot Eat?
There are a number of foodstuffs that are toxic to rabbits if ingested, including:
- Lilies
- Onions
- Certain vegetables and fruits
- Parts of the potato plant
Rabbits are sensitive creatures that are known for their delicate digestive system. It is best to check with your local veterinarian before offering any unknown foodstuff to your bunnies; best safe than sorry!
This video touches on 7 common poisonous mushrooms and how to identify them!
Final Thoughts On Can Rabbits Eat Mushrooms
It was the wrong move for me to offer two of our bunnies a store-bought mushroom, and everyone in our family now knows that mushrooms are never to be offered to our rabbits.
The nature of mushrooms make them just too dangerous and risky for rabbits, especially baby rabbits.
A baby rabbit’s digestive system is much more sensitive than that of an adult rabbit, and any rabbit less than 12 weeks old should never be offered exotic foods, even rabbit-safe fruits, veggies, and herbs.
If you are wondering what food items are safe to offer your rabbits older than 12 weeks, check out our post on Best Herbs For Rabbits!