There have been many times when we have allowed our goats to forage in the late fall garden after our big harvest. They have enjoyed the last bits of fruits and veggies available, especially the broccoli plants!
That’s right, broccoli is relatively healthy for goats and is a great snack and treat option. While we would never suggest feeding this veggie to your goats daily (you’ll see why below), we often allow them a few good heads of broccoli throughout the year and feel they benefit from them.
Broccoli can be quite disruptive to your goats bodily system if ingested in large amounts; measured amounts and moderation is key!
Broccoli For Goats: Health Benefits
Broccoli (Brassica oleracea) is an old veggie: it was first cultivated in the 6th century B.C.E and has been a staple in many gardens since then.
As a member of the Brassica genus, it is closely related to other common veggies including:
- Cabbage
- Brussel Sprouts
- Collard Greens
- Kale
- Turnips
- Cauliflower
These veggies are well-known for being dense in nutrients, and slightly spicy to certain people.
This ‘spice’ is due to the natural glucosinolate compounds found within the plant. Glucosinolates are biologically active and have been found to assist in regulatory functions, provide antioxidants, and relieve inflammation throughout the body.
In addition to these glucosinolates, broccoli also contains a number of nutrients per 100 gram serving, including:
- 90g of Water
- 2.57g of Protein
- 2.4g of Fiber
- 1.4g of Sugars
And a myriad of vitamins and minerals, such as:
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Potassium
- Zinc
- Selenium
- Copper
- Vitamin C
- Folate
- Vitamin A
And a number of different amino acids, which are essential as protein building blocks. Note that, although broccoli contains it, goats don’t need dietary vitmain C as they can syntehsize this themselves!
The Risks of Broccoli For Goats
While the wide range of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins make broccoli a great treat for your goat, you must be aware that too much broccoli can cause your goats some pretty serious harm!
This comes down to those glucosinolates within broccoli. Remember, they are biologically active and will actually stress your goats’ thyroids if ingested in large amounts.
Animal food panels have actually dubbed this compound an undesirable substance in animal feed because of the risk of hypothyroidism it causes.
Is Broccoli Safe For Goats
In small amounts and alongside a balanced diet of unlimited hay and foraged high fiber plantstuff, your goats will not have an issue ingesting or processing broccoli.
However, if your goat exhibits slow growth, reduced milk production, and issues with their kidney and/or liver after eating broccoli, we suggest limiting their access to this veggie immediately and returning them to a strict fibrous diet until they exhibit normal behavior!
Can Goats Eat Broccoli Leaves and Stem
Yes, you do not have to remove the leaves or stems of the broccoli plant before offering it to your goats: goats can eat all parts of the broccoli plant!
However, be aware if the broccoli you feed them was grown with the use of chemical pesticides. Goat’s stomachs can be very sensitive to these!
How To Offer Your Goats Broccoli
When we offer our goats broccoli, we always follow a few best guidelines, which are:
- Wash the broccoli well before giving it to your goats. This will remove residual dirt, dust, and insects.
- Opt for broccoli grown without chemical pesticides.
- Chop the stem of the broccoli into slices, this will make it easier for multiple goats to get some and enjoy this extra crunchy treat!
- Remove any uneaten broccoli at the end of the day.
- Always offer your goats unlimited hay alongside treats, this will help with overall digestion!
Can Baby Goats Have Broccoli
Yes, any goat that is either fully weaned or mostly weaned can eat broccoli in moderation without issues.
We define mostly weaned as receiving more than two thirds of its daily nutrition from foodstuffs other than mother’s milk.
Frequently Asked Questions Related To Can Goats Have Broccoli
Can Goats Eat Tomatoes?
Yes, goats can enjoy ripe, red tomato fruits as treats or snacks. However, all green parts of the plant are poisonous! Learn more about the risks of offering tomatoes to your goats in our post on the topic.
Can Goats Eat Cabbage?
If you remember, cabbage is in the same plant family as broccoli. As such, it is safe for goats to eat as a snack but too much of this veggie can also wreck serious havoc on your goats’ bodily systems! Learn more about cabbage for goats.
These excited goats gobble up this crunchy broccoli stem in no time!
Final Thoughts On Can Goats Eat Broccoli Safely
Go ahead, offer some heads of broccoli to your goats!
We have been giving our goats broccoli for over four years and have never had issues. However, I must say that we’ve never offered this veggie more than once a week due to the potentially dangerous compounds it carries.
You can take care of your goats best by making sure they always have access to high fiber foods, such as hay, and water; any other snack or treat is just a bonus!