Wondering which veggies are goat-safe happens often on our hobby farm, which is why we cover all different types of vegetables for goats in these posts. One veggie that seems to confuse many is asparagus (Asparagus officinalis).
Because this veggie is part of the lily plant family (known for being toxic to many animals), some think asparagus isn’t safe for goats. But asparagus is one member of the lily plant family that can be offered to goats as a snack or treat!
However, asparagus does contain some complex and confusing compounds. Don’t worry, we will go over everything you need to know about offering asparagus to your goats, so read on!
Asparagus For Goats: Nutritional Information
Raw asparagus has a high water content (93.2%), and is a great hot summer day treat for your goats for this reason.
As the MSD Veterinary Manual states, goats are very efficient at using and conserving water throughout their body, but as little as a 10% overall water loss can be severely damaging.
This green vegetable also offers:
- 2.1g Dietary Fiber
- 1.88g Sugars
- 24mg Calcium
- 2.14mg Iron
- 202 mg Potassium
And essential minerals and micronutrients for goats, including zinc, selenium, and manganese. Asparagus also contains vitamins A, C, E, K, B6, and folate!
But note that the amount of fibers and sugars are in the same ballpark; this fact alone suggests that overfeeding asparagus to goats will wreak havoc in their digestive systems. Goats cannot break down high sugar foods in large amounts!
Remember, their four stomach digestive system is built to harvest nutrients from lots of coarse, high fiber plant foodstuff. Goats thrive off of unlimited hay and a forgaged diet supplemented with veggie and fruit treats and snacks, as this naturally provides them with more than enough coarse fibers and essential nutrients.
How Does Asparagus Boost Goat Health
The health and nutritional benefits of asparagus have been proven and experienced over centuries, and there are some pretty awesome ways that asparagus can boost your goats’ health in particular.
For example, research has found that aqueous asparagus root extract plays a role in regulation of the reproductive hormones and oogenesis (the production of ovum) in mammals!
Asparagus is also a natural diuretic and can help your goats flush out their urinary tract, or assist with any urinary infections.
Finally, asparagus contains many natural antioxidants that are all available to your goat upon ingestion.
We always feed our goats raw, uncooked or steamed asparagus, as cooking the asparagus causes natural chemical reactions that can denature or break down these helpful compounds.
But Is Asparagus Toxic To Goats?
You may have heard that asparagus is toxic to goats.
This is due to the non-essential amino acid, called asparagine, that is found in high quantities in asparagus.
Asparagine actually exhibits strong influence over cancer or cancer-like cells and has been found to both promote and inhibit cancerous cell growth. Much of the dual action has to do with different variables and individual biology.
Asparagine has also led to the development of asparaginase, a drug that is used in different chemotherapies.
When thinking about all of this and whether or not you can feed asparagus to your goats, focus on the bottom line: giving your goats a few stalks of asparagus here and there, as a treat, is very unlikely to cause any negative effects.
Can Baby Goats Have Asparagus
Yes, any goat that is either fully weaned or mostly weaned can eat raw asparagus in moderation without issues.
We define mostly weaned as receiving more than two thirds of its daily nutrition from foodstuffs other than mother’s milk.
So, What Is The Best Vegetable For Goats
Your goats may not like asparagus due to its highly flavorful and fragrant nature.
There isn’t really a ‘best vegetable for goats’ although there are many great ones to choose from; check out our posts on veggies such as cucumbers and cabbage for inspiration.
We encourage you to offer your goats a mix of many healthy veggies. This will ensure they receive all necessary vitamins, minerals, and enjoy their treats!
Frequently Asked Questions Related To Can Goats Have Asparagus
Can Goats Eat Raw Asparagus?
Yes, goats can and should eat raw asparagus. In fact, raw asparagus is the only form of the veggie that we offer to our goats!
Raw, uncooked asparagus will offer your goats the highest nutrient content.
Can Goats Eat Broccoli?
Yes, broccoli is another goat safe veggie option. Read our post on Broccoli for Goats for more information!
Final Thoughts On Can Goats Eat Asparagus
Go right ahead, offer your goats a few stalks of asparagus and see if they like this nutritional, crunchy treat!
Pro Tip: We mix in the asparagus we give our goats with some hay, so that they are always ingesting high fibers with this veggie. This keeps their digestive system happy and healthy!