Are goats Omnivores

Goats Eat Everthing? Are Goats Omnivores?

When embarking on your homesteading journey, one of the first questions that might cross your mind is, “What can goats eat?

Lots of people (who have never raised goats!) say the phrase, “Goats eat everything,” but is this really true? 

No, goats cannot eat everything and should not be offered just any ‘edible’ food item! We’ve been raising goats for a few years on our hobby farm and will share with you all that we’ve learned about goats and their best diets, so read on!

So, Can Goats Eat Everything

Contrary to the popular belief that goats will devour anything in their path, goats are not indiscriminate eaters.

While they have a reputation for curiosity and nibbling on a wide variety of plants,  they are actually quite selective in their diet. 

Goats are foragers, which means they prefer woody plants, shrubs, and leaves over grass or clover. They have a unique ability to forage in areas where other livestock might struggle, making them excellent at clearing brush and invasive plant species. 

However, this doesn’t mean goats can or should eat everything! 

There are a number of plants that are toxic to goats so you must ensure they do not have access to them. 

To learn more about plant that are poisonous to goats read our posts on:

Can Goats Eat Avocado

Can Goats Eat Maple Leaves

Can Goats Eat Peaches

Is A Goat An Omnivore Or A Herbivore

Goats are classified as herbivores, which means their source of food energy comes from plants.

The Difference Between Omnivore and Herbivore

An omnivore is an animal that eats both plants and animal foods (like many of us humans!), while an herbivore is an animal that consumes only plant foods. 

Unlike omnivores, goats lack the physiological adaptations necessary to digest meat efficiently. Their ruminant digestive system is designed for breaking down tough, fibrous plant material, relying on specialized microbes in their stomachs to help with this process. 

While goats may occasionally nibble on non-plant items out of curiosity, their sustenance comes from vegetation. Their curious nature can sometimes lead them to sample unconventional items, which can cause pretty serious digestive upset and issues, emphasizing the importance of providing a safe and healthy environment for your goats! 

What Do Goats Eat: Fast Facts On The Best Goat Diet

  1. Forage and Pasture: The cornerstone of a goat’s diet is forage and pasture. They thrive on a mix of grasses, legumes, and woody plants. In fact, high fiber is so essential to goats’ wellbeing that we offer our herd unlimited amounts of hay!
  2. Supplementary Feeding: Depending on your goats’ needs, the quality of your pasture, and the season, you may need to supplement their diet with goat-safe grains and minerals. We always suggest consulting with your local veterinarian or livestock nutritionist to determine the right mix.
  3. Water: Adequate access to clean, fresh water is essential for goats. They can be picky about water quality, and quick to dehydrate, so regular maintenance of water sources is crucial.
  4. Minerals and Salt: Goats require specific minerals and salt to maintain their health. Offering a mineral block or loose minerals designed for goats can help meet their nutritional needs.

Can Goats Eat Meat? 

Goats cannot eat meat. Goats’ ruminant digestive systems are not capable of processing animal protein, it  would cause serious stomach upsets, bloating and potentially deadly GI blockages! 

Are Sheep Omnivores?

Just like goats, sheep are ruminants and strict herbivores. They too require highly fibrous plant foods and should not ingest any animal proteins. 

Final Thoughts on Are Goats Omnivores

At the end of the day, while goats have a reputation for eating everything, they are herbivores with a preference for a variety of plant materials. 

To ensure the health and well-being of your goats, it’s essential to provide them with a balanced diet, access to clean water, and the appropriate minerals. 

Remember that goats’ inquisitive nature may lead them to sample non-food items, so it’s important to create a safe and goat-proof environment on your homestead. Browse our post archive to find more great topics about tending to goats and meeting their nutritional needs! 

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