Offering your pet rabbit fresh fruit as a treat isn’t unheard of; in fact we do it here for our homestead rabbits about once or twice a week!
Rabbit-safe fruits are a great way to add unique vitamins and minerals to your rabbit’s normal, high fiber diet.
But not all fruits are safe or rabbit recommended. So what about pineapple, can bunnies eat pineapple?
Yes, pineapple is a nontoxic fruit for rabbits and can be offered to mature bunnies.
However, given its high sugar content and acidic properties, pineapple may not be the best option for your rabbit.
That is why in this post we will go over all you need to know about offering this juicy, yellow fruit to rabbits.
Read On To Learn Why Pineapple Can Cause Serious Indigestion In Rabbits
Is Pineapple Safe For Rabbits: Nutritional Information
The first nutritional fact about pineapple that must be mentioned is that it contains three types of natural sugars: sucrose, fructose, and glucose.
In fact, according to the USDA Food Data Central, in a 100g serving of pineapple, there is 11.4g of sugar.
Moreover, pineapple is 85% water and contains both citric acid and malic acid.
Why is pineapple’s high sugar content, high water content, and its two types of acids dangerous for rabbits?
Because rabbits naturally have very sensitive digestive systems that can easily be thrown out of balance by sugar, water, or harsh, acidic foods.
Rabbits have developed for years in the wild to digest tough, high fiber plant materials such as hay and grasses that are low in sugar, low in water content, and low in acids.
This is why domestic rabbits do best when they eat a high fiber, low sugar diet.
For example, orchard hay, timothy hay or another high quality hay should make up 75-80% of your bunny’s daily diet.
Another 10-15% of your rabbit’s diet can be premium rabbit pellets, which offer unique nutrients and proteins.
What about fruits, veggies and leafy greens?
These should only be offered as treats or dietary supplements of sorts and in total should make up only 5-10% of your rabbit’s diet.
If rabbits ingest too many sugars or exotic foods, they can suffer from:
- Diarrhea
- Bloating
- Gas
- Bad eating habits
- Indigestion
- Weakened immune system
Now while pineapples don’t offer much dietary fiber either (less than 2 grams) they are high in potassium.
However, rabbits need only 0.6% potassium in their diet. So truthfully, a cube or two of pineapple is more than sufficient for your furry friend!

How Much Pineapple Can Rabbits Eat
Due to pineapples extreme sweetness and acidity, we recommend offering no more than 4-5 fingertip size pieces of pineapple to mature bunnies once a week.
Pineapple is a fruit treat that should be saved for special occasions and best best behavior!
Can Rabbits Eat Pineapple Everyday
No, mature rabbits should not eat pineapple everyday as it can cause serious stomach and health issues if eaten in access.
But if you’d like to offer your bunnies fruit treats everyday, try some more mild rabbit-safe fruits such as green bell peppers, kiwi, or yellow squash.
Pineapple For Rabbits: Raw or Canned
If you want to treat your adult rabbit to a small pineapple bit, which form of the fruit and which part of the fruit is best?
Can Rabbits Eat Pineapple Skin
Pineapple skin is rough and spiky and is NOT a good option for your bunny.
Your rabbit can easily hurt themselves on these parts of the plant.
We recommend avoiding all skin, green parts, and leaves and just offer your rabbit the soft, juicy inner flesh of the pineapple instead.
Can Rabbits Eat Canned Pineapple
No, do not feed your rabbit canned pineapple.
Only fresh, raw pineapple is okay for rabbits.
Canned pineapple may be heated a bit, which naturally changes the chemistry of the fruit and makes it unsuitable for bunnies.
In addition, canned pineapple usually comes in a sugary liquid that would cause your rabbit serious digestive backup and tummy aches due to its high sugar content.
Can Rabbits Have Pineapple Chunks
If you choose to give your mature rabbit a bit of pineapple, chunks are a great way to go about it.
Make sure the raw pineapple chunks aren’t too big, as your rabbit may be tempted to gobble the sweet treat down all at once.

Can Baby Rabbits Eat Pineapple
No, never feed baby or immature rabbits pineapple, or any other fruit for that matter.
Baby rabbits’ stomachs and digestive systems are still developing and, as such, are even more sensitive than those of adult rabbits.
The sugars, acids, and high water content of pineapple will immediately lead to serious stomach aches and other digestive issues for your baby rabbits.
Instead, wait until your rabbit reaches 12 weeks of age and then slowly introduce fruits and supplemental food items like pineapple.
Even then, begin by offering just 1 fingertip size cube of raw pineapple and observe your rabbit closely.
If they don’t exhibit negative effects or strange behaviors within 24hrs, you can slowly add small amounts of pineapple as a once-in-a-blue-moon treat.
And as always, slow food introduction is the best way to diversify your rabbit’s diet safely.
Frequently Asked Questions Related To Can Rabbits Have Pineapple
Can Rabbits Have Pineapple Juice?
No, rabbits should never be offered pineapple juice as even unsweetened pineapple juice contains more sugars than your rabbit should ever ingest.
Giving your rabbit pineapple juice would result in painful bloating, gas, and indigestion for your furry friend.
What Fruits Can Rabbits Eat?
Rabbits can eat a surprising variety of fruits, from cucumbers to cranberries!
To learn more about rabbit-safe fruits, read our post on Fruits Rabbits Can Eat.
Final Thoughts On Can Rabbits Have Pineapple
Pineapple is a nontoxic fruit that can be eaten by mature rabbits.
But before feeding this sweet treat to your bunnies, remember that pineapple’s natural high sugar, water, and acid content makes it unsafe for rabbits in high amounts.
As such, pineapple is best when relegated as a special, irregular treat for your furry friends.
For more on the nutritinal profile of pineapple, check out this video!