Peaches are the sweet, juicy fruits of the Prunus persica tree that is native to Asia. Over the centuries, the peach tree has spread across the globe and peaches have become one of the most popular seasonal fruits to enjoy.
If you’ve ever eaten a peach, you know how delicious its juicy sweetness is, and you may wonder if you can share them with your homestead or pet rabbits.
But can rabbits have peaches? And if so, what is the best way to offer rabbits peaches?
Yes, mature rabbits can eat very small amounts of ripe peach. But before you offer your bunny this fruit, read on to learn why we never recommend more than a few small slices and why it is important to always remove the peach pit!
Peaches For Rabbits: Nutritional Information
Peaches are so enjoyable because of their high water content and the five different types of natural sugars they contain; take a look this complete list of the nutritional content of peaches:
Nutrient | Per 100g Serving |
Water | 88.3 g |
Sugar | 8.39 g |
Protein | 0.91 g |
Fibers | 1.50 g |
Potassium | 122 mg |
Sodium | 13.0 mg |
Zinc | 0.23 mg |
Calcium | 4.00 mg |
Magnesium | 8.00 mg |
Phosphorus | 22.0 mg |
Iron | 0.34 mg |
You will notice the low fiber content as well as the various minerals that peaches offer, some of which are essential macrominerals for rabbits.
In addition, peaches contain Vitamins C and A as well as a host of different amino acids.
Are Peaches Healthy For Rabbits
Due to their low fiber and very high sugar content, peaches are not the most ideal food for rabbits, and I wouldn’t even go so far as to say they are healthy for rabbits.
Peaches have a similar sugar content as another rabbit-safe fruit, blueberries, but don’t pack as many antioxidants.
We must remember that rabbits’ digestive systems have developed the ability and need to constantly process high amounts of coarse, fibrous materials.
Bunnies thrive off of unlimited amounts of fibrous foods, such as hay, and can actually experience very harmful and life threatening side effects from ingesting too many sugars, including:
- Gut bacteria imbalances
- Severe Bloating
- Dehydration
- Teeth Rot
- Constipation
- Bad Eating Habits
For this reason, sweet and sugary peaches should never be offered to your mature bunnies as anything but a fruit treat.
Are Peaches Toxic to Rabbits
No, the peach fruit is not toxic to rabbits. It is simply very high in sugars and must only be offered as a treat.
Remember, treats can make up 5-10% of your rabbit’s diet, but should never take the place of unlimited amounts of fibrous hay or high quality rabbit pellets!
However, peach pits do contain cyanide compounds and must never be offered to animals.
H3 Can Bunnies Eat Peaches Everyday
Peaches are not a good food or fruit to offer to your rabbits everyday because they contain too many sugars and too little fibers to be a daily part of your rabbit’s diet.
Instead, save peaches for special occasions or as seasonal treats for your furry friends.
H3 How Often Can My Rabbit Have Peaches
When we offer our adult rabbits peaches, we cut small cubes or slices from the whole peach and place 2-3 of these in a small bowl inside their home.
We do not offer peaches (or any other fruit treat) more than twice a week and ensure that our rabbits always have access to high fiber hay.
How To Best Prepare Peaches For Rabbits
Because the pit of the peach fruit contains cyanide compounds, it is essential to remove the pit and never offer it to your bunnies.
We prepare peaches for our rabbits like so:
- Wash the peach in cold water to remove any residual dirt, pests, or pesticides
- Cut the fruit in half and remove the pit
- Slice the peach half into small cubes or slices and offer 2-3 of these to each adult rabbit
Common Concerns With Feeding Your Bunny Peaches
Concerns with offering your rabbit peaches include:
Parasites and Pesticides
Any fruit can host parasites and many are sprayed with pesticides, so it is extremely important to inspect and wash the piece of fruit well before cutting it up for your bunny.
Overfeeding Your Rabbit
Mature rabbits require a high-in-fiber diet. It is important to only offer your rabbits fruits as a treat and/or dietary supplement, sticking to only 5-10% of their diet.
Too many sugary fruits will negate any benefits and instead cause harmful imbalances and stomach upsets in your bunnies.

Can Baby Rabbits Eat Peaches?
No, do not feed baby rabbits peaches!
Rabbits less than 12 weeks old do not have a fully developed digestive and GI tract and cannot eat high sugar foods.
Wait until your baby rabbit reaches 12 weeks and, even then, start with very small amounts of peaches of other fruit to ensure they can digest it well.
Taking it slow with any new food introduction is key!
Frequently Asked Questions Related To Can Rabbits Have Peaches
Can Rabbits Eat Peach Skin?
Yes, the skin of the peach is safe for rabbits to consume, although if you buy non-organic peaches the skin sometimes contains the most pesticides or has a waxy coating.
Be sure to always wash the peach skin before offering it to your bunny.
Can Rabbits Eat Peach Pits?
No, peach pits contain cyanide compounds and can kill your rabbit if they nibble at or ingest any part of the peach pit.
Never offer peach pits to your bunnies.
Can Rabbits Eat Canned Peaches?
No, we never recommend offering your rabbits canned or otherwise processed peaches because they contain significantly more sugars than raw peaches and your rabbits will really struggle to digest them.
Stick to raw, fresh peaches for your rabbits.
This is a great video capturing a wild rabbit enjoying a fallen peach from a peach tree!
Final Thoughts On Can Bunnies Eat Peaches
If you wonder what fruit rabbits love the most, you may just find that your bunnies’ favorite is peaches.
Each rabbit has an individual taste and preference, and we have a few that love oranges more than peaches, and others that prefer blueberries to dragonfruit.
The good thing is that by offering very small amounts of fruits rabbits can eat to your bunny, you can learn what fruit they love the most!