Contrary to kids cartoons, goats can’t eat everything. But when it comes to fresh, raw produce, there are many great veggie options for goats, including green beans.
Yes, goats can eat green beans. We offer our herd this nutritious veggie because it is a great way to support their healthy growth and development. But keep in mind that there are more than one type of poisonous green bean that must be avoided at all costs!
Never Offer Green Beans To Your Herd Before Verifying That They Are Non-Poisonous
The Common Bean Plant: Can Goats Have Green Beans
Green beans are the undried seed pods of the common beans plant, Phaseolus vulgaris, in the legume plant family.
This long, fleshy green pod is stuffed with pea-like green fruits (note that the green peas we eat are from a different type of bean plant!).
Like all other members of the legume plant family, green beans are rich in fibers and proteins and are a great way to boost your goats’ nutritional intake.
Green Beans Nutritional Information
According to the USDA Food Database, raw green beans contain a mix of vitamins and minerals, including:
- Calcium
- Potassium
- Phosphorus
- Vitamin B-6
- Niacin
Note that proper amounts of calcium is key for lactating goats while any non-grazing goats are more susceptible to suffer from a lack of phosphorus or magnesium, which results in slow growth and hypomagnesemic tetany.
Now goats do have the ability to synthesize B vitamins in their rumen, and foraging goats are not usually lacking in potassium or phosphorus, which is why green beans are a tasty veggie treat that, if anything, can boost your herd’s overall health when consumed.
Are Green Beans Safe For Goats
All garden and grocery store varieties of green beans in North America are healthy and safe for goats to munch on. But be aware that some exotic green beans are incredibly poisonous to goats and must be avoided.
Two Species Of Dangerous Green Bean
The Calabar bean, Hapnocylphium venenosum, is from Africa and is well known for its poisonous characteristics for both humans and animals. You shouldn’t come across this non-native legume often, as it is usually only cultivated for its medicinal properties.
Another bean species, the grass pea or Lathyrus sativus, is a bean that has been used as cattle fodder. However, a study done recently found that kid goats fed this bean developed neurolathyrism, a toxic myelopathy (injury to spinal cord).
Green Beans For Goats
Can goats eat all green beans? Are green bean plants safe for goats? And what about cooked, frozen, and canned green beans? Read on to figure out just what type of green bean is safe to offer your herd.
Can Goats Eat Fresh Green Beans
Fresh green beans are the best form of this veggie for your goats. We highly recommend offering fresh green beans to your goats more than any other form of the bean, as your goats will really enjoy the watery, crunchy fresh green.
Frozen, uncooked green beans are another great choice for your goats on hot summer days as well, as long as you allow them to thaw and soften so as not to hurt your goats’ teeth or jaws.
Can Goats Eat Cooked Green Beans
Offering cooked green beans isn’t off the table for your goats. But realize that most cooked beans have additional flavors, spices, sugars and other fruits or veggies mixed in that can upset your goats’ intricate digestive system.
So, if you offer your goats cooked green beans, they must be plain, unseasoned green beans.
Can Goats Eat Canned Green Beans
We don’t highly recommend offering canned green beans to your goats, as most canned green beans are highly salted.
However, if this is the only option you have, then be sure to rinse them well with cold water to remove excess salts before offering them to your herd.
Can Goats Eat Bean Plants
Yes, goats can eat the green bean plant. Note that green beans grow on a vine that can be quite thick, so be aware when allowing young goats to climb and eat green bean plants, as they could get stuck or hurt themselves in the fibrous vines.
Can Goats Eat Green Bean Vine
Unlike potato vine, the green bean vine itself, with or without leaves, can be eaten by your goats. We often cut our green bean vine from our garden at the end of harvest season and recycle this fibrous green matter through our goats, which they seem to enjoy!
Frequently Asked Questions Related To Can Goats Eat Green Beans
Can Goats Eat Dry Green Beans?
When dry, green beans become extremely hard. We do not suggest offering these hard dry beans to your goats as they could easily harm their teeth and mouth trying to eat them.
Stick to fresh, raw beans instead!
Can Goats Eat Peas and Beans?
Peas and beans are in the same plant family, with peas being the green, soft seeds found within the crunchy bean pod. As such, goats can snack on both the bean peas and the bean pods without issue.
Can Baby Goats Eat Green Beans
Yes, garden and store fresh green beans can be eaten by fully or partially weaned baby goats without issues.
We define mostly weaned as receiving more than two thirds of its daily nutrition from foodstuffs other than mother’s milk.
Note that baby and immature goats are especially susceptible to the toxins within the poisonous green bean varieties due to their developing systems; never offer baby goats an unidentified green bean!
Final Thoughts On Can Goats Have Green Beans
Common garden and grocery green beans are goat-safe veggies that can be enjoyed by your entire herd, alongside the vining green bean plant.
We highly suggest practicing your plant and veggie identification skills, especially if you live near or around poisonous varieties of green beans and other veggies. This will keep your herd safe and sure when they snack on nutritious greens such as green beans or celery.